Category: SEO School

Website Traffic Conversion Checklist: Properly Convert Site Traffic

Having 1st-page rankings for numerous, decent keywords isn’t the end of the line for us SEOs. Attracting the users that see your search listings (improving CTR), providing easy navigation for them to find more valuable, relevant resources inside your website, and cultivating their loyalty to your brand and website. All of these are still challenges that SEOs need to face. But the biggest challenge of them all is converting your hard-earned traffic to paying customers. So, what exactly do you need to ensure a steady flow of conversions?


CRO Audits and How You Can Use it For E-Commerce

Conversion Rate Optimization is one of the areas that businesses should look into if they want to continue empowering growth in their respective industries. A winning strategy starts with a well-formed audit from the CRO specialist that targets contingencies and issues that can come up in the pursuit of astounding conversions. An online presence will only be treated as a nice-to-have for your business if it does not serve any revenue-generating benefit.


How to Effectively Use Anchor Texts for Your SEO

The past month has created a difference in the digital marketing industry wherein more and more businesses are realizing the importance of going digital because of its availability amidst the crisis. Us, as SEOs now have the responsibility to expand our knowledge of strategies and techniques that help us win the SEO game. 

That being said, link building is one of the foundational strategies that all SEOs must know and do. There are different facets to this strategy, but one is often undervalued or abused that it leads to problems in our SEO. I’m talking about anchor texts – a simple factor that all webmasters and SEOs know. But what is it about anchor texts that make them important to our overall SEO ventures?


A Beginner’s Guide on What to Expect from CRO

So you’re finally ranking on Google and you have a decent amount of traffic going to your site, now what? Well, let me tell you that all the efforts leading to those results would all be wasted if you do not follow it up with a robust strategy that will increase your site’s value to your business.


How to Track Youtube Rankings with Accuranker

With more than a billion active users, YouTube is the second-largest search engine which makes it the place to be for content creators and marketers looking to get more search traffic. 

This makes YouTube optimization a necessity for content creators and marketers alike that don’t want to miss out on the opportunity of growing their audience. I wrote a YouTube SEO guide if you want to know how you can further optimize your videos. 

Just like in any other search engine, tracking your rankings on YouTube and being aware of how you are doing against your competitors is crucial. 


How to do SEO for E-commerce Websites

If you own an e-commerce website or doing SEO for one, let me tell you, it will give you a lot of headaches. Doing SEO for e-commerce websites takes a lot of time and effort because of the size of these websites. E-commerce SEO puts a heavy emphasis on technical and on-page SEO. If your website has hundreds or thousands of pages, the first thing that you have to remember is that each page presents an opportunity for SEO optimization.


How to Reclaim Lost Backlinks Easily and Effectively

Link building involves different tactics that involve the same thing – acquiring high-quality backlinks from authoritative websites to boost your own website’s authority in the eyes of the search engines. However, there’s only one tactic for us to do when we experience lost or broken backlinks – Link Reclamation. It sounds intimidating but it’s one of the most effective tactics we do when we want to improve our backlink profile in the least amount of time. Before we get into the intricacies of link reclamation, what exactly is link reclamation?


The Ultimate HARO Guide for Brands and SEO

What is HARO, and why should I use it for my SEO?

Quick Answer: Help a Reporter Out or HARO is an online PR platform that is used by journalists and bloggers from popular websites to connect with sources to help out with their content. This, in turn, allows sources to get valuable media coverage from high traffic websites that are great for branding and SEO.


Dibz Review: Advanced Link Prospecting and Link Building Tool

It’s already a well-accepted fact in the SEO industry that link building is one of the best tactics for improving a website’s organic search rankings. Link building as a tactic involves many strategies and executions that often overwhelm beginners. One such strategy that is vital to link building is prospecting. I’ve been building links to SEO Hacker for quite a while now and finding the perfect prospect for guest posting or simple outreach often still eludes me. But that’s not the case anymore.

Among the hundreds of tools available in the market, I’ve just found one of the best to assist in my link prospecting endeavors. Dibz is a tool created by the Four Dots company to help SEOs and webmasters around the world not waste their time looking for the perfect prospect. Here’s how they helped me maximize (and effectively lessen) the time I spend looking for prospects in the world wide web:


Things to Consider in Starting a Successful Outreach Campaign

For those who are just starting out in Link Building and Outreach for SEO, I bet you have a world of questions in your mind. Knowing how to gauge the quality of your links is the most difficult part of the job. This is why it is important that you know where to begin in a successful outreach campaign.