Category: White Hat SEO

Magic of the Long Click: How User Behavior Affects Rankings

Long Click determines search success because it is when a user stays on the page for a long time without going back to the search results for another source of information or to modify their keywords. Achieving a long click means that you have satisfied the user query with sufficient and relevant information that they are looking for.


Everything You Should Know About E-A-T

Expertise, Authority, and Trust, or better known as E-A-T is now a famous standard that SEOs try to follow. Two of the biggest algorithm updates from the past year gave more attention to E-A-T, the Medic Update on August 2018 and the Google June Broad Core Update on June 2019.

Many of the websites that were hit were said to have low E-A-T. When asked how can they recover, you’ll probably get the same answer from experts and even from Google’s Search Liaison Danny Sullivan over and over again.


Comprehensive White Hat Strategy That Won’t Get You Penalized

I have been involved in the digital marketing and SEO industry for 11 years and, in that time, I have seen the internet grow and develop in ways that nobody could have predicted. This experience has resulted in a deep understanding of the ways in which businesses, and even individuals with personal websites, can achieve more from their online presences.