SEO and Digital Marketing News and Strategies

Search is still the biggest game in town

Ever tried horseback riding when you were younger and your bones could take the rough riding? I bet you have. Horses are a powerful means of transportation way back then. You usually ride one in order to go to a place you want to go.  The biggest horse is not necessarily the fastest but it’s definitely the bad-ass looking one. But just for this article let’s pretend that the biggest horse is also the fastest one. Okay? Okay.


What Meta Robots Tag Are For

Meta robots

What are robots meta tags for?

Quick Answer: Robots meta tags are pieces of code that instruct search engine robots. These HTML snippets tell them what they can and cannot do on your page. It’s a way of controlling how your pages are crawled and indexed, and how your content is displayed in the SERPs.


3 Basic Must-Do Internet Marketing Tips

Internet marketing tips

Must-do internet marketing tips

The internet is a vast, vast marketplace where you have all kinds of people – meaning you have all kinds of buyers, sellers, marketers, specialists, etc. Your business has unlimited potential to grow when it targets the internet as it’s market. I just want to share with you three basic internet marketing tips which should be kept in mind especially by business owners.

If you’re a business owner who owns a website, you’ll probably want to involve yourself in internet marketing. Otherwise, your website is practically useless. There are a lot of things that potential customers are looking for about your business – such as information, graphical representations (in layman’s term: pictures), history, reputation, and the list goes on and on. You have to satisfy the curiosity and doubts of your customer or your business will go nowhere.

So my first must-do internet marketing tip for you is:


Learn SEO Copywriting

SEO Copywriting ReportCopywriting is the art of writing to sell or promote something. We’ve seen and read copywritten materials in magazines, newspapers and fliers. Those paragraphs are carefully woven together by their local copywriters. And then the internet and Google came along.

Copywriting is not enough in the internet. If you want your article to be viewed by readers who are looking for information that you have, you need to be visible in the search engines. How do you do that?

It’s called SEO Copywriting

Search is still the biggest game in town – and right now that town is getting more and more crowded. Any survey will tell you that search is still the top activity that people do in the internet. It is still the most common online activity even up until now. Face it, everyone’s looking for something, someone or somewhere these days.

SEO copywriting makes sure that your content is Search engine friendly. It doesn’t just create quality articles, it creates quality articles that search engines love. Articles won’t matter unless the search engines gobble it up and tells searchers “Hey buddy, this is what you’re lookin’ for.”


How Meta Tags should be used for SEO

Meta tagsIn my previous post ‘What search engine crawlers do with your Meta tags’, I talked about it’s depreciating usage. It’s not as powerful and useful as it once was. Some say that it’s still handy and some say otherwise. With that in mind, let’s take a look at how SEO experts nowadays use Meta tags for their websites.

Meta tags are words in your code which users will not be able to see. It’s effect on SEO has become less and less over the years due to the abuse of webmasters in stuffing keywords inside the meta tags. It used to affect rankings, now it doesn’t. It used to be a factor in the retrieval of the indexed site, now only 2 search engines are left practicing that. But SEO experts, according to Danny Sullivan still do use it for things we might not have been able to think of. So how does SEO experts use Meta tags?