Category: Social Media

How to Track Youtube Rankings with Accuranker

With more than a billion active users, YouTube is the second-largest search engine which makes it the place to be for content creators and marketers looking to get more search traffic. 

This makes YouTube optimization a necessity for content creators and marketers alike that don’t want to miss out on the opportunity of growing their audience. I wrote a YouTube SEO guide if you want to know how you can further optimize your videos. 

Just like in any other search engine, tracking your rankings on YouTube and being aware of how you are doing against your competitors is crucial. 


What You Need To Know About Facebook’s New Video Updates



Video content on Social Media has been at an all-time high recently, with platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram seeing a rise in the amount of video content from their users. This has led to numerous brands promoting their content through the use of video, which has proven to be effective in generating traffic and user interaction.



Ranking Better by NOT Focusing on Social Media

The debate on whether social media marketing could positively impact your overall SEO campaign has been around for quite some time now, and even though Google has already given the answer, I still believe that a great social media marketing plan can still help your SEO.



Facebook Has Added Sound to Newsfeed Videos

Facebook has been changing things up a lot for both desktop and mobile users; and the most significant change, in my opinion, is that they are making Newsfeed Videos play automatically with sound.



Facebook is Testing a New Way to Show Ads on their Videos

We’ve talked about websites going Mobile-First for a while now and I think that’s a good thing. Mobile is essentially the primary way for people to access the internet as well as their social media accounts – and Facebook is one of the best examples for this.


Six Ways to Get People to Share your Content

Fifty percent of content marketing is dedicated to topic and content creation, while the other half is for its amplification.


Using Klout to Measure your Social Influence

If you are new to the world of Social Media marketing, you may ask yourself, why am I focusing so much attention and effort to build up my presence online and how do I know if it is paying off?  One tool that has gained prominence in the circle of Social Media marketers and influencers is Klout, an online aggregator of your influence in your Social Media networks.


How Foursquare affects SEO

Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, are among some of the many social media outlets that affect SEO.  However, what many local businesses don’t know is how Foursquare can also aid in their SEO efforts.

This entry is a guest post by Alexis Tate edited by Sean Si


Why Google+ Wants You to Get Social

It seems the past few weeks have been abuzz with talk all about that new Google+ thing … what it is, how to use it, and why it will eventually kill Facebook.

Instead of adding to that chatter, I wonder if we might be able to discuss a few other topics.

What will change in terms of the search experience, search engine optimization, and the fight on social spam.


Should you use Google Plus over Facebook?

There are lots of people asking which is better social network – Google Plus or Facebook? There are certain advantages of Facebook as it already has an established user-base, a running business model that caters to the users, great apps and ways to connect, etc. Although there is a certain hype about Google Plus that just draws people in – especially the SEO and internet marketing type of people.

I’ve asked some of the most authoritative experts on the internet which they would prefer to use. Let’s see what they have to say: