Category: Google and other Search engine News

Co-Author Rank: Centering Rankings on the Best of the Web

AuthorRank has been the talk of the town. It’s gotten the attention of all SEOs from content creators, all the way to linkbuilders. Google Authorship is here to stay and has populated the search engines with faces of old and new writers who have been evangelized to AuthorRank believers. Here’s the thing, can there be such a thing as Co-AuthorRank?


Google+ Local Optimization

If Google Places has been your de-facto method of driving online customers to your brick-and-mortar business, big changes are on the way. Google is importing Google Places into Google + Local, and this means big changes for businesses and consumers who use the internet to find local establishments. This post is all about Google Plus Local Optimization.


How Google plans to Control Negative SEO

Let’s get things straight – there is such as thing as Negative SEO. It exists. It works (on some websites). It happens. And it’s been happening more since the latest Penguin Update. Now, Google has just stated the ‘solution’ against Negative SEO.


Pengiun-monium: What Google’s new algorithm changes means for SEO

If Panda was the new “law of the land,” Penguin is law enforcement. Google’s new algorithm update signals the beginning of the end for spammers, but it also spells trouble for honest webmasters. What Penguin does is try to better enforce the Panda filter by filtering over-optimized websites from its search results. That’s right, penalties aren’t just for blackhat sites anymore.


How does the Google Penguin Update Affects SEO and Negative SEO?

Over Optimization has been hitting websites like bowling pins – the score just keeps piling up. Google has now named this update the ‘Penguin’. I’m not entirely sure as to why. Sounds cute doesn’t it?


Google Over Optimization Penalty

Over Optimization has been the recent craze of those who were unfortunate enough to be hit by this Google algorithm change. It’s not an easy thing to deal with over optimization. So how do you get back on track once you’re hit by Google?


Google Plus Optimization

Google Plus is gaining momentum now more than ever – especially with the SEO world. It is continuously becoming a major factor – especially now that Search Plus Your World has rolled out. Google Plus Optimization isn’t so far from being an SEO technique that we can all use.


How Google Search Plus Your World Affects SEO

Google is now undergoing a major change in their search engine as they implement ‘Search Plus your World’ – it is simply integrating Google + into their search engine algorithm in order to serve it in their search engine results page.


Google + Pages

How Google+ Pages Affects SEO

Google Plus is growing at a high rate.  Since its implementation in June, initially on an invite-only basis, it has collected 50 million users; this is a 16th of Facebook’s users.  On November 7th, Google Plus began allowing businesses to host profiles (i.e. pages), whereas before, it was only individual user profiles.  Google Plus is another means, like Facebook and Twitter, for businesses to get the word out about their brand, products, and services; Google Plus’ new business pages means a lot to the world of search engine optimization.


Make your Friends dictate your Search Results with Wajam Social Search

Social is becoming more and more powerful in the internet. You can now search through the power of social connections. Word of mouth is still the most powerful way to influence decision making. Wajam makes searching the web through your friend’s word of mouth as a medium, possible.