Category: Internet Marketing tips and tricks

SEO Hacker Roundup: Best SEO Articles 2019

2019 has been a great year for our team here at SEO Hacker. Our team grew further and has reached higher heights this year and there are no signs of slowing down. And thanks to you, our readers, the SEO Hacker blog continues to thrive.


The Ultimate HARO Guide for Brands and SEO

What is HARO, and why should I use it for my SEO?

Quick Answer: Help a Reporter Out or HARO is an online PR platform that is used by journalists and bloggers from popular websites to connect with sources to help out with their content. This, in turn, allows sources to get valuable media coverage from high traffic websites that are great for branding and SEO.


New Website SEO: A Comprehensive Guide

Having a stable SEO foundation is what all of us in industry yearn for. Oftentimes, we have to make do with what we can work with – a relatively old website with so many onsite factors left unoptimized, a spammy backlink profile, and so many facets left ignored. But, there are moments wherein we get the chance to optimize a newly-created website. The chance to lay the perfect SEO foundations for the website is already within reach; what’s left to do is to get started. But how exactly do you optimize a new website for the search engines?


What You Need To Know About Facebook’s New Video Updates



Video content on Social Media has been at an all-time high recently, with platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram seeing a rise in the amount of video content from their users. This has led to numerous brands promoting their content through the use of video, which has proven to be effective in generating traffic and user interaction.


How Urgency Helps You Create More Sales

One of the biggest challenges that businesses and e-commerce websites face on a regular basis is converting sales. With users having the abundance of choices to choose from, it can be a real challenge to attract buyers in today’s highly competitive world.



Ranking Better by NOT Focusing on Social Media

The debate on whether social media marketing could positively impact your overall SEO campaign has been around for quite some time now, and even though Google has already given the answer, I still believe that a great social media marketing plan can still help your SEO.



Facebook Has Added Sound to Newsfeed Videos

Facebook has been changing things up a lot for both desktop and mobile users; and the most significant change, in my opinion, is that they are making Newsfeed Videos play automatically with sound.



Facebook is Testing a New Way to Show Ads on their Videos

We’ve talked about websites going Mobile-First for a while now and I think that’s a good thing. Mobile is essentially the primary way for people to access the internet as well as their social media accounts – and Facebook is one of the best examples for this.


7 Easy, Call to Action Hacks that You may Be Missing Out On

One of the most troubling things about content creation is knowing that people see your stuff but they’re not just receiving the clicks that you think they deserve.  You think that you’ve done everything in your power to boost or optimize your post by emphasizing your content’s title by strategically using fonts, “forcing” people to see them by placing them where people can see them and by making your forms simpler.


Google SEO Hacker

Playing with the Search Engine: Organic vs Sponsored Results

As an Internet Marketer, one question people frequently ask me is “what is the difference between organic and paid search results?” Trying to get a website ranked without opting for a paid listing is not that hard to do in theory but actually getting a website ranked is challenging – but it isn’t impossible.