Category: SEO Advice

How to Get Your Site Ready for Penguin 3.0 (Really)

As you know, Google rolled out Penguin 2.0 By May 22nd, only 2.3% of the sites in Google’s index have taken a hit from it. Needless to say, Penguin 2.0 was nothing compared to the first iteration.


Some say that Google Penguin 2.0 was less harsh than the first.

But I think that it had more to do with the fact that most SEOs that changed their link building approach after Penguin 1.0. Blog comments were replaced by guest blogging. Profile links were replaced with broken link building. And many black hatters (myself included) went legit.


3 Skills of a Successful Link Builder

Link building, when done correctly, is advantageous. Not only does it build connections that lead to higher rankings in major search engines, but it also makes the internet a more navigable system. However, due to Google’s continued evolution and progress, link building as an SEO strategy is becoming increasingly dependent on quality over quantity.


How to Get a Guest Post in a Frugal Industry

If you own your own blog or you’re the SEO that manages and markets one company’s website, you have a big advantage:


But what if you’re a linkbuilder working for an SEO agency with several clients, most of them from different niche markets  – verticals, in the advertising world – with different types of websites, different SEO experiences, different profit goals, and you can’t always reach them whenever you want because they’re busy?


Spam Emails

Stop Smelling Like Spam: Effective SEO Outreach

For link builders and SEOs, nothing is more frustrating than sending out emails only to sit idly by and twiddle our thumbs while shooting off the odd follow up email every so often. We have no way of knowing if our fragile bytes of text found their way into a comforting inbox just waiting to be opened like a present in December, or if they are experiencing a baptism by fire and duking it out with free online gambling ads and prescription medication in the spam folder.


SEO Sense

Developing your SEO Sense

Ever wonder how some SEO specialists do a conclusive analysis within a minute or two of whether a site is ranking well or not? I call it SEO sense – it’s the ability to know each and every little detail about a website and use it to arrive at a certain conclusion of a site’s SEO.


How to Recover from Over Optimization

Over optimization is all about sprinting with your SEO in such a way that you’re already leaving your best partner behind – content and value. The internet is not a sprint. It’s a marathon. You don’t sprint until you’ve run a long one and the finish line is a few meters ahead.

Note: Sorry about the Boromir pic. It gave me a few laughs. I’m an LOTR fan.


How to Launch a Link Worthy Website

A site’s linkabiity highly depends on what it’s capable of offering to its audience – content. However, most of the time, authority and already established sites are the ones who get the most attention when it comes to link commendations.

For nearly all newly published sites, obtaining natural and content-driven editorial links is quite a challenge, given that most linkers on any industry are more likely to link or cite authority and trusted websites as sources than to new sites that haven’t proved anything yet.

7 Things you must tell your Clients as an SEO specialist

“Customer is always king”, “Customer is always right” – yeah that’s what the world will tell you. Well in SEO, your clients have to know a thing or two about what they’re getting into. Otherwise, it would make things harder for you and it wouldn’t produce the desired results of  your client either.


How to Rank High without using Google? Youtube SEO

SEO is one of the foremost, in demand services in our world today. That being a fact, there is now cut-throat competition in all of the search engines (especially the big three). How do you rank high without having to compete in Google, Bing and/or Yahoo? Answer: Youtube SEO.


Progress is the Key to SEO

Let me tell you a story about how I learned SEO. The first disclaimer is this- I didn’t really intend to learn any of it. See, when you’re fifteen and all your friends care about is to be ‘in’ at school, learning a topic that involves ‘algorithms’ and ‘spiders’ will be the last thing on your mind.

I learned SEO though because I realized that my passion for blogging requires me to do so. I mean, it’s not fun at all blogging without readers right? And when you basically have no online social circle yet, the first thing you rely on is some exposure from search engine traffic.

Welcome to the world of SEO.