Category: SEO School

12 Key Elements Your Website Needs to Improve Conversion Rate

In an article I happen to have stumbled upon yesterday, I read that one of the major marketing predictions for this year is that of the increase in demand for conversion optimization.


How we Improved our User Adoption Rate by 1650% in 60 days

“This is really not working out guys.” I found my tone rising as I wasn’t really happy with our numbers.

“Well, what do you want us to do?” Said the voice from the other side of the line. His tone also rising.

“We have to improve this. We have to prioritize the user onboarding process.” I explained the importance of moving the needle up with our user onboarding to the Qeryz product development team.

That was over two months ago.


What Content Marketing Will Look Like in 2015

Remember when newspapers were the most efficient and credible medium in gathering news, even advertising products?

That was the ‘content marketing’ we had decades ago. Nowadays, we have too much that we tend to exert lesser efforts every time, when searching for news or updates about certain events. Perhaps it’s because we’re only a click away from everything we need to know.


Link Building for 2015 – A Curated Guide

Some say there’s no future for link building, that investing on it is just a waste of time. But, being in the world of Digital Marketing for more than two years now, I’ve witnessed how link building helped a lot of websites not just with ranking in major search engines, but also on increasing conversions – in fact our clients can attest to that.


How to Market Your App Enabled Accessory Website Through Social Media

Social media marketing is one of the profitable methods in online marketing nowadays. Aside from the fact that every social network has millions of users and subscribers, social media provides an easy way for brands to get in touch closely with their target customers or audience.


How to Choose Between Link Building and Content Marketing

Torn between two strategies? I know how it feels to be so confused and frustrated about two things – you don’t know what’s right for you, you don’t know what’s worth spending your time, effort and money on, you don’t know what will work best.


How to Improve your Title1

How to Improve your Title Click-Through Rate by 730%

Headlines are important. They attract people to read the rest of your content. They make sure to engage your audience, providing you that user activity your website needs. They make sure your article gets shared around the web. Or do they? Then why does 89% of articles in the entire web get less than 100 shares?


8 Expert Advice on Building an Effective Content Marketing Campaign

Maybe you’re planning to create a content marketing campaign, but don’t know where, and how to start. I know it’s never easy to start one – it takes too much dedication, time, energy, and loads of ideas to begin with. Like what they always say, beginning is always the crucial part of marketing. This is where all your strategies and actions will depend on.

So, I asked 8 online marketing experts for tips and advice to help you understand more about content marketing, how to start one, and what you should do to have an effective, and lasting content marketing campaign.


7 Most Effective Ways to Speed Up Your WordPress Website

According to a study done by in 2012, one out of four people abandon a website if it loads more than four seconds. Amazon, in another research, calculated that a page load slowdown of just one second could cost them to lose $1.6 billion in sales every year.

These are just two studies about page speed, but if you do a quick Google search, you can find thousands of similar studies showing how important speed optimization is to a certain website.


How to Run your First A/B Experiment for Free Using Google Content Experiments

You read blogs everyday that tell you this and tell you that – and promise you that you’ll get an X% amount of increase in revenue, traffic or conversion. It’s crazy how people apply some of these things and come out disappointed. That’s because not everything works for everyone. There’s only one way to really know if a strategy or a tool or a design change is the right fit for you – test it.