Category: SEO

The Art of SEO

Lots of SEO practitioners in our world today see SEO as a task. They see it as work. They see it as a bunch of quotas that they need to accomplish. And if you don’t love what you’re doing, you’re most probably one of those guys. Well I say SEO is an art.


Why the best SEO specialists are marketers

Being an SEO specialist, I realized that SEO is not about being the best programmer in order to understand Google’s system. It’s about ranking in Google’s Search engine results page because you are relevant and you want to market out something through being a presence in the first page.


Why internet visibility is business success

So this is the powerpoint presentation I made for my talk on July 31, 2010 about SEO in BEST. It is a gathering of small to medium business enterprise owners who’s purposes is to reach out to the social community. I introduced SEO to them and talked with them about what it has to do with their business.

Portrait of an SEO by Kpaul

Found a really entertaining article about SEO entitled Portrait of an SEO. It’s written by Kpaul in SEObook – which is one of the blogs I follow in terms of SEO knowledge.

I’m not familiar with Kpaul but he also did another piece called Portrait of a blogger. I haven’t had time to read it though. But he claims the article’s popularity was the one who catapulted him to guest post in SEObook. So I guess it’s pretty much something.


Search is still the biggest game in town

Ever tried horseback riding when you were younger and your bones could take the rough riding? I bet you have. Horses are a powerful means of transportation way back then. You usually ride one in order to go to a place you want to go.  The biggest horse is not necessarily the fastest but it’s definitely the bad-ass looking one. But just for this article let’s pretend that the biggest horse is also the fastest one. Okay? Okay.


In SEO, domain age matters

How much weight does age have in SEO? They say that a site’s age matters in a website’s search engine rankings. How does this work? How long does your site have to be up in the web to be ranked higher by our beloved Google?


Seven simple things that matter in your site’s SEO

Did you ever wonder what really matters in SEO? What stuff makes your site rank higher? What would make your Google rankings better? What is the secret ingredient to the brew? I talk about the 7 simple things that matters in your site’s SEO:


SEO in 2 simple terms

SEO is such a wide topic. You can type in ‘SEO’ in the internet and get endless results. It’s an emerging trend and a lot of information can be confusing. I lay out SEO in simple terms in this post. What is SEO in simple terms?


SEO without boundaries

SEO has no direct, knockdown guidelines on how to make your page rank higher. It doesn’t tell you how to be a competitive site, doesn’t tell you how your site will get into the 1st page search results. It doesn’t tell you it’s secrets. You have to know it yourself.