Tag Archives: internal link

The Do’s and Don’ts of Internal Linking

Internal linking; one of the most important SEO strategies but is often overlooked and misunderstood. It is also one of the easiest things to do but it is more than meets the eye. 

When I talk about internal linking, people sometimes roll their eyes and think that it’s just as simple as making sure your new post has links to old posts that are related to it but I can guarantee you that internal linking plays a vital role in on-page SEO.



Bad SEO: Never Do This with Your Internal Link Structure

SEO is all about understanding your website, your branding as well as your audience. Before you can get through all of those steps, you have to understand first what you can do with your website. It is important to note that your SEO is the sum of everything that you are doing, from your blog posts to your link building to your social media outreach. 

Before you can do all of those, however, you have to understand that Internal Linking is an integral aspect of the SEO process and understanding what you can do with your links can either make or break your SEO.


Internal Linking Tutorial

internal-linkingInternal linking is all about getting your webpages interconnected with each other. The world wide web is made up of links – you navigate from webpage to webpage through links. You recommend another webpage through links. But internal linking is more than just about navigation and recommendation. This is a Tutorial for Internal Linking.