Tag Archives: link building email

Link Building Email Mistakes You Might Be Sending To Webmasters

Why Are Webmasters Ignoring Your Emails?

“Here is how to get 100% email open rate with a 100% response rate for your link building outreach email” – said no one ever. That’s because it is getting more and more difficult to even have webmasters open your outreach emails.

Here’s the thing – sending link building outreach emails is not just about blasting out to thousands of webmasters with the hope of at least 10% of them awarding your hard work with a link. The game of link building is not just about the numbers. It is also about the individual webmaster you are trying to close a link for.

You might use up the majority of your time prospecting websites and crafting emails when you’re working on outreach campaigns. And although these take a lot of effort to do, they’re not always the key to winning over webmasters.