Tag Archives: retweets

12 Important Lessons I Learned After Losing 101,569 Tweets

HTTPS as an SEO Ranking Factor

It was a major decision that we’ve held off for too long. I was tapping my fingers on my computer table contemplating if the risk was worth it. I was about to lose 101,569 recorded tweets and retweets (accounting for 77% of our entire social shares) on SEO Hacker’s articles. I breathed out a long sigh before finally telling my developer “Let’s do it.”


How I get a lot of retweets


When you’ve just published a new article or product and you want it to spread around the internet like wildfire to bring in some traffic, it gets a little bit frustrating seeing how little retweets you’re getting with your TweetMeMe button.

Instead of making your retweet button say something about the greatness of your site and content, it spells out ‘crap content’ when you get a big fat zero for your number of retweets. And it can just hurt the writer and marketer in you. It’s frustrating, I know. I’ve been there.