Tag Archives: search engine news

Everything We Know About the Apple Search Engine

Apple Showing Signs It May Soon Launch A Search Engine To Compete Against Google Search_Cover Photo

It’s well-known that Google has been the default search engine for Apple’s Safari browser on all of its platforms. However, recent chatter in the industry seems to point that Apple is now increasing its search efforts to come up with a search engine to combat Google, the search engine giant. Apple products are one of the most famous gadgets around the world, used by many – so what could this piece of news entail for SEOs and Webmasters around the world? 



Google Secretly Updates AMP and Featured Snippets

The competition for Google’s rank zero has become harder than ever. Google AMP can now attain rank zero and have a featured snippet in the mobile search results. However, Google still maintains their earlier statement that AMP is not being considered as a major ranking factor for websites.