Category: Google and other Search engine News

Google Releases September 2019 Core Update

Google releases numerous algorithm updates every year, but with the trend they’re setting, only the big updates warrant an announcement from them. The most recent example is their announcement of the June 2019 Broad Core algorithm update. They’re now releasing a new core update which could result to either good or bad results for us SEOs. 


How Google’s Recent Review Rich Results Update Affects SEO

Testimonials and reviews are important for businesses. This is especially true in the online market since users can’t have physical interactions with the products or services they’re intending to buy or pay for. Which is why most of us rely on the reviews and testimonials of the people who had physical experience with the product and we let these reviews affect our decision to proceed with the purchase. This is where the review rich results play an integral part. But with the recent update that Google made, we, as SEOs and webmasters, need to adapt immediately.


Myth Busted: Site Traffic a Ranking Factor?

Site traffic being a ranking factor is what most SEO beginners and some intermediate SEOs believe to be true. I can’t blame them since I even believed it when I was just starting in SEO. But what’s the truth? Does site traffic not affect our site’s rankings as Google says? Or is there something deeper at play? Let’s find out.

Takeaways from Google Insider’s ‘Leak’

Recently, a former Senior Software Engineer from Google goes public and leaked internal Google documents to Project Veritas, a non-profit organization that seeks to expose corruption in public and private institutions. 


Official Google Advice on Core Update Recovery

Recent core updates, both small and large, have made SEOs clamor for a solution or a fix to the negative effects of the update to their websites. Different theories and hypotheses have been rampant in the SEO industry on how to properly “fix” a website that has been hit by the core updates. This led to Google repeatedly stating that there are no fixes to websites that have been hit by the core updates. But recently, they gave advice on how your site can recover from the core update. Let’s find out. 


Google Rolling Out AMP for Image Search

Google Image Search has been a hub for users to explore photos, images, visual art, etc. Many of us use this search function to look for samples of products we are intending to buy, images of objects/people that we are curious about, or any other reason that make users search for images. However, as time went by and users of Google Image Search increased, it involved them opening multiple pages that considerably slowed their search experience. But now, Google is rolling out a simple yet effective solution to this problem. 


Understanding Links Through Google’s Eyes

Link building has always been an integral part of almost all SEO’s foundational strategy. However, as the years went by, understanding which links are “good” or “high quality” for Google has been skewed by the different ways we’ve come up with to build them. In a recent Google Webmasters hangouts, John Mueller talks about what exactly is a “good” link and how webmasters can get them. Let’s find out!


How to Recover From Google’s Broad Core Algorithm Updates

A few weeks has passed since Google rolled out their latest broad core algorithm update. Articles have circulated that highlighted the ones that experienced massive wins and other sites that experienced the opposite. The prevailing factor that I see whenever Google rolls out broad core algorithm updates are questions such as “how do I fix it” or “what did I do wrong?” or “I didn’t do anything but my site traffic improved, why is that?”. There’s a variety of answers given to them, but they don’t seem to get the whole purpose of a broad core algorithm update. But before we delve into recovering if you were hit by the broad core update, what exactly is a broad core update?


A Week Into Google’s June 2019 Broad Core Update

It has been a week since Google rolled out their pre-announced June 2019 broad core update. Leading SEO news websites such as Search Engine Journal and many others have already published articles regarding some wins and losses. This is one of the rare instances where Google has let us know ahead of time that they’re going to be updating their algorithm instead of just releasing it and letting us SEOs find out the hard way.


Google Announces Broad Core Algorithm: June 2019 Update

In a rare move by Google, they pre-announced a broad core algorithm update over the weekend via their Google SearchLiaison Twitter account. This is a bold improvement for SEO specialists who are usually kept in the dark about these matters, only to see the effects once it drastically affects them in a negative or positive light.