Category: Google and other Search engine News

How to Track Youtube Rankings with Accuranker

With more than a billion active users, YouTube is the second-largest search engine which makes it the place to be for content creators and marketers looking to get more search traffic. 

This makes YouTube optimization a necessity for content creators and marketers alike that don’t want to miss out on the opportunity of growing their audience. I wrote a YouTube SEO guide if you want to know how you can further optimize your videos. 

Just like in any other search engine, tracking your rankings on YouTube and being aware of how you are doing against your competitors is crucial. 


Featured Snippet Update: Deduplication and Other Info You Need to Know

Featured Snippets, also known as rank zero, is one of the coveted spots in the search engine results pages. It allows your content to directly reach the users even without them clicking on your URL listing. Of course, featured snippets have been controversial to the zero-click issue with Google, but it’s undeniable that they pose a sense of usefulness for the users. However, Google recently updated the way they display a featured snippet’s URL listing. Is it good or bad?


How to Optimize for Google News

If you own a news website and you’re looking to grow your traffic and reach more users, Google News is the place to be. Google News is a news aggregator by Google that was launched in 2002 and by 2013, the platform has more than 50,000 verified news sources and receives 6 billion visits per month.

What Google News does is collate news articles from its list of verified websites and serves it to users based on their interests and location. It is available in more than 60 regions and 35 languages. Through Google News, users are able to access fresh local and worldwide news. Users can also customize the content that they can see by setting up their interests.

Since the platform is accessible worldwide and has a prominent number of users, Google News can boost the traffic of a news website by a significant amount. However, publishers would have to follow Google’s set of criteria for them to get their content visible in Google News. It’s difficult but it’s not impossible.

The good news is, now you don’t have to submit an application to Google anymore and wait for your verification. All you have to do is to adhere to Google New’s content policies. Here’s what you need to know.


Google Shopping: Good or Bad for E-commerce?

The rise of online shopping has paved the way for businesses to start e-commerce website which catered to a more immense market that’s not limited to the area where their business is located in. From clothing to home accessories and furnishings, the usefulness of online shopping can never be understated but it can also overwhelm most consumers with the multitude available in the online market. This is where Google comes in.


Google Announces January 2020 Broad Core Update and the New Look Search Results Page

In a Twitter post, the Google Search Liaison Twitter account announced that Google will be releasing a broad core algorithm update. An hour later, they announced that the update is now live and it will take a few days for it to roll out in all of their data centers.


SEO Hacker Roundup: Best SEO Articles 2019

2019 has been a great year for our team here at SEO Hacker. Our team grew further and has reached higher heights this year and there are no signs of slowing down. And thanks to you, our readers, the SEO Hacker blog continues to thrive.


Google Officially Rolls out New Search Console Speed Report

Yesterday, Google officially rolled out the Speed report in Search Console. It has been a few months since Google announced its (experimental) Search Console Page Speed Report in Google I/O. Very few had access to it when it was first announced since we had to sign up on a form to be eligible to try it out. But ever since its release yesterday,  more webmasters now have access of it in their respective Search Console Reports. Here’s what you need to know about this important report:


How BERT Affects SEO and How You Can Optimize For It

Google’s roll-out of BERT caused a massive buzz in the whole SEO industry since they deemed it as “the most important update in five years”. This particular update, called BERT, officially impacts 10% of search queries. That’s already a massive number since there are millions of searches made every single day. So, what exactly is the BERT update, how will it affect the SEO landscape, and how can we, as webmasters and SEOs, better optimize our websites for this algorithm update?


Google Adds Video Reports in Search Console

Videos are rapidly changing the way people search. The thing is, it’s not just about YouTube anymore. Google recently added a new report in Search Console for Video content that allows webmasters to see how their own videos perform on search results and errors in their structured data markup.


Google Chrome Will Start Blocking HTTP Resources in HTTPS Pages

Google has always been pushing for a safer and more secure search experience for the users. The best example of this is when they pushed the migration to https for websites that cared about their rankings. I fully support a safer and more secure environment in search since it builds trust and improves our brand’s reputation with the users.

A few days ago, Google published a blog post in their security blog which contained massive news regarding the use of resources that lead back to http websites (otherwise known as Mixed Content) will be blocked by Chrome.