Category: Link Building

Web 2.0 Link Building for Branding

The web is getting better and better at serving users. There are so many websites transitioning to a web 2.0 model of user experience and functionality – and now there is what we call web 2.0 linkbuilding. It’s nothing too complicated – let me show you how.


Broken Link Building

Broken Link Building is another technique that SEO specialists use discreetly – it’s also one of the helpful ones. Why not, when you’re trying to fix a webmaster’s broken link for him?


How important is Anchor Text to a Backlink?

Linkbuilding is an essential part of SEO. The more links, the merrier. Each link consequently comes with an anchor text. The confusion right now is, does Google still give as much important to anchor text as it does before?


Link Placements

Where you place your link in your website is one of the most overlooked linkbuilding techniques of SEO specialists today. The importance of where your link exists in a page is critical. So what do you need to know about link placements?


How to use Contests for Linkbuilding

Contest are one of the most powerful and effective ways to attract people. That’s a simple fact. Who wouldn’t want a free iPad or iPhone? Knowing that, just how do you efficiently use it to attract links to your site?


Competition Backlink Trolling

There are lots of ways to spy out a competitor’s moves in the internet marketing world. All websites are public. All websites are visible. Therefore all public activities of a website can be studied. One of those things are the backlinks of any website. And since you and your competitors are on the same playing field, why not try a little competition backlink trolling?


Don’t be a Link Stalker, Do Competitor Research and Backlinks Acquisition the Right Way

Do you know what a link stalker is? A link stalker is a person that goes through your links all the time and ruins them for you. You comment somewhere, a nice meaningful comment and a few days, weeks or months later you see a certain someone’s comment there, great post and stuff. You create a nice business profile page, soon the link stalker has the same profile, you make a donation and have your banner featured on the page, soon you see the link stalkers banner there as well.


Link Baiting Techniques

Link baiting is more an art than work. There are lots of link building techniques out there and people have asked me over and over again about which is the best one. Personally, I’d say link baiting would be one of your best shots – if you have the knowledge and talent to make it work.


Link Search

How do I search for links?

Quick Answer: There are several ways to perform link searches. Using advanced queries in search engines and tools like SEOMoz Link Finder can reveal links worth having — though you’ll still have to negotiate with their webmasters to add them to your link building portfolio.


Linkbuilding Techniques

Lately I have been in the task of compiling link building techniques to share with all the readers of SEO Hacker. It’s not really ‘magic’ but it’s something you can do as a unique task against your competition.