Category: SEO tips and tricks

The Complete SEO Competitor Analysis Checklist

We all know that the goal of SEO is to get to the top of Google’s search results so you focus on optimizing your website as much as you can. But what people tend to look at times is that before you get to the top, you need to fight against 10  or more other websites who are also trying to fight for the same keyword you are targeting.

Competitor Analysis is a great way of finding strategies your competitors use and then you use it against them or better yet, create better strategies than those. There are two situations here. First, you are trying to get higher rankings so you are studying your competitors to find out what works for them. And second, you are at the top and you would like to increase your lead from your competitors.

Whatever your situation is, doing a competitor analysis can definitely help you improve your existing strategies and give your competitors headaches. 


What You Need to Know About HTTP/2, HTTPS, and HTTP/1.1

Google has recently announced that Googlebot will start crawling over http/2 websites starting November 2020. This announcement reignited the interest over HTTP/2 as the most updated type of protocol. Questions on whether webmasters should switch to HTTP/2, the benefits of switching to HTTP/2, and will retaining HTTP/1.1 as the current site protocol be okay for rankings have risen and I’m here today to answer some of them. Let’s get started.


Do 404 Errors Hurt your SEO?

You’re surfing around a website, you click on a link, and then you are redirected to a message that tells you the page you are going to can’t be found. If you’re a user, it’s quite annoying, right? And if you’re an SEO and it is your website you’re surfing, you should be concerned – or maybe not? 

Error 404s are problems that are common problems encountered around the internet. Some would just brush it off while some consider it as enemies. In this article, I’ll talk about everything there is to know about 404 errors in SEO.


2020 Keyword Optimization Guide – Proper Keyword Placement

Keyword optimization started simple during the early days of SEO. Making sure to insert the target keyword in the prominent parts of the content body as naturally as possible in a limited number of times. But simplicity led to a good number of SEOs abusing it with spammy and black-hat tactics that led to multiple algorithm changes that aimed to counter those. But with the advancements with Google’s algorithm and their machine learning, outdated strategies like the ones I’ve mentioned have become obsolete while being replaced by newer, more user-centric strategies that don’t rely on spammy tactics. 

In this day and age of SEO, do keywords still hold the same importance? How have the strategies for them changed? And how can you properly optimize your website to rank for them? All of them will be answered here. 


Website Rankings Drop: Identifying the Reasons Why

It’s a common occurrence for SEOs and webmasters that track their rankings to experience sudden website ranking drops. Since Google’s algorithm is continuously updating, SERP volatility is common and affects hundreds or even thousands of websites in different industries. The problem with undiagnosed ranking drops is the decrease in your website’s search visibility. This could lead to less traffic, and for business websites, this leads to fewer conversions and profit. Identifying the cause of the rankings drop is tantamount to fixing it and, hopefully, recovering your rankings. So, how do you identify the cause of your website’s rankings drop?


Understanding Semantic Search to Boost Your SEO

Before 2013, SEO was virtually a straightforward endeavor. You had to incorporate the exact keywords inside your content and the important places such as title tag, H1, meta description, then build a high number of relevant quality links to those pages to ensure ranking on the first page. However, the same could not be said today. Search engines evolved in how they understand searches and queries to the point that the same strategies we used almost a decade ago are not enough now.

Today, a deep understanding of the meaning behind the keywords, content that effectively answers the context of the keywords, and the intent behind it is what succeeds in the search results. All of these were brought about by the age of semantic search. Let’s dive deeper.


What You Need to Know about Guest Posts in 2020

Guest posts are often an essential part of any SEOs link building strategy. Aside from contributing and establishing a connection with other webmasters, it enables us to improve awareness of our brand (depending on the content we write) and naturally gain a link back to our website. Even though guest posting is one of the well-known, quality link building tactics, as the years went by Google started to lay down rules and guidelines regarding proper implementation of guest posts that still hold up to today. So, here’s what you need to know about guest posts this 2020 here!


The Best Way to Find 404 Pages and How to Fix Them

There are a lot of tools available in the market today that enable webmasters and SEOs to find broken pages inside their website. But not one of them can show you the most important broken pages that users still enter. This means that the broken page where users go to, if not fixed immediately, will make you lose valuable traffic in the long run. 

However, there is an easier and faster way to find these important broken pages and be able to fix them immediately. The surprising part about this is possible through a tool that ALL webmasters and SEOs use (and the tool is absolutely free). So, what’s the best way to find important 404 pages?


AMP Best Practices for SEO

AMP, or Accelerated Mobile Pages, is one of the most popular tactics used for mobile SEO and mobile website development. This tactic is primarily focused on improving your mobile website’s user experience. It essentially assists users to access pages/content faster and easier.

Although using this tactic is meant to be simple enough, there will always be some challenges that we experience when we’re doing it. This is especially true if we consider SEO and how AMP affects it. Most webmasters and SEOs know how to implement AMP, but not a lot of us know how to PROPERLY implement it to the point that it does not negatively affect any other aspect of our websites. So, how do we properly implement AMP on our website?


Sitemap Best Practices to Improve Your SEO

Sitemaps – properly optimized websites have them to since they’re integral to having a proper indexing process for your site. If you have a properly set-up sitemap, it also assists crawlers to better navigate your website thereby giving your site better visibility in the search engines.

As simple as it may seem, there are a lot of technical aspects that webmasters and SEOS should understand about sitemaps. It’s not as easy as generating it once and forgetting about it. This is one of the most important aspects of improving a website’s search visibility. So, I took it upon myself to enumerate some best practices we do at SEO Hacker to ensure that a website’s sitemap is fully optimized and is massively contributing to the site’s SEO/search presence. Let’s start.