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Seven simple things that matter in your site’s SEO

Seven SEO Tips

Did you ever wonder what really matters in SEO? What stuff makes your site rank higher? What would make your Google rankings better? What is the secret ingredient to the brew? I talk about the 7 simple things that matters in your site’s SEO:


How is Google’s personalized Search engine capability going to affect SEO?

Google now has a personalized search feature in their search engine. It’s kind of like a bot that can tell Google’s search engine what kind of stuff you’re looking for. Different keywords have different results and you’re if you’re looking for only one type of result, it would be tasking to go through all of the irrelevant search results.


How is Google’s new real-time search going to affect SEO?

Google has plans of making their search engine capable of tracking real-time information. Now you can see search results update in a moment’s notice – from twitter or facebook or myspace, etc. This is a phenomenal development for the search engine giant and is sure to affect SEO in the coming years.