Tag Archives: real-time search

How Google Caffeine works and its effects on SEO

Google Caffeine will affect change in SEOTo all you coffee junkies out there, you’re gonna love Google’s new search engine. Well you’re gonna love it’s name at least. Google Caffeine has been long awaited by SEO practitioners around the world because of the enormous impact it has on modern Web 2.0 search.

It’s not just another engine. It’s The only engine that functions as it does – getting the best, freshest content out on it’s SERPs as you type. It’s main difference, as Google explained in their blog, is with the layer system. Caffeine provides 50 percent fresher information as results for web searches than their last index. According to Google, it is also the largest collection of web content that they have offered thus far.


How is Google’s new real-time search going to affect SEO?

Google has plans of making their search engine capable of tracking real-time information. Now you can see search results update in a moment’s notice – from twitter or facebook or myspace, etc. This is a phenomenal development for the search engine giant and is sure to affect SEO in the coming years.