Tag Archives: hat

7 Things you must tell your Clients as an SEO specialist

SEO clients“Customer is always king”, “Customer is always right” – yeah that’s what the world will tell you. Well in SEO, your clients have to know a thing or two about what they’re getting into. Otherwise, it would make things harder for you and it wouldn’t produce the desired results of  your client either.


Progress is the Key to SEO

progress_arrow_upLet me tell you a story about how I learned SEO. The first disclaimer is this- I didn’t really intend to learn any of it. See, when you’re fifteen and all your friends care about is to be ‘in’ at school, learning a topic that involves ‘algorithms’ and ‘spiders’ will be the last thing on your mind.

I learned SEO though because I realized that my passion for blogging requires me to do so. I mean, it’s not fun at all blogging without readers right? And when you basically have no online social circle yet, the first thing you rely on is some exposure from search engine traffic.

Welcome to the world of SEO.


How does Google instant affect SEO?

Just recently, Google released their new feature called Google Instant.It is an intriguing feature that changes the search results page even as you type while they are suggesting search queries for you.

Testing Google instant


Link Building Strategies: What is Link building?

Link BuildingIt’s not everyday that you get a tutorial for link building right at your Email or Facebook inbox as I deliver to you guys. As we start with the link building tutorial series, I’d like to first clarify for those who don’t already know: “what the heck is link building”?


The start of Facebook SEO

Facebook SEOAs we all know, Facebook is fast catching up with it’s head-to-head traffic rank with Google as the world’s most visited website. And if you’re a frequent user of Facebook like me, I’m sure you’ve already noticed that Facebook has continually improved their search features.

It’s a no-brainer that Facebook will jump in the search game sooner or later. They are slowly redefining the web as we know it. They already have their own set of loyal users (around 120 million of us) who log in every day! And as we all know, all search engines are codes. And SEO practitioners better start giving time studying Facebook’s SEO if they want to be ahead of the game.


Portrait of an SEO by Kpaul

Found a really entertaining article about SEO entitled Portrait of an SEO. It’s written by Kpaul in SEObook – which is one of the blogs I follow in terms of SEO knowledge.

I’m not familiar with Kpaul but he also did another piece called Portrait of a blogger. I haven’t had time to read it though. But he claims the article’s popularity was the one who catapulted him to guest post in SEObook. So I guess it’s pretty much something.


Must-have attributes of SEO practitioners

As I’ve mentioned in my earlier entries in this blog, not all SEO practitioners and specialists are the same. There are different kinds of SEO talents around but there are some things that must be present in each and every SEO specialist. And you have to have these attributes to be exceptional in the highly competitive and unpredictable field of SEO.


You gotta have these attributes

Fast and independent learner

SEO is not a joke and we all know that the updates and changes that happen with Google and the internet is the only thing that’s constant in the online world. The changes are rapid and the changes are many. For one week you have a personal search feature and then you have Google caffeine on the next.

It is an unpredictable stage of competition – and if you’re not a fast nor an independent learner then you’re gonna get left behind. And getting left behind is almost equivalent to losing the game of SEO.

True, not all SEO’s are self-taught – but almost all have their own personal learnings and techniques. And so the most successful and competitive SEO specialists always makes sure that they are up-to-date with the latest changes in their target search engines, social networks, and other SEO tools that they can utilize their skills on.