Tag Archives: intrusive interstitials

What are Intrusive Interstitials and How do they Affect SEO?

intrusive interstitials cover photo

Was there ever a time where you click on a website then right before you are able to scroll for the content that you need or select the product you want to purchase, there’s this big pesky pop-up that suddenly blocks your entire screen. Annoying right? We’ve all been there at least once and if it’s annoying to us SEOs and website owners, you can be sure that’s annoying to any other user as well.

These pop-ups are called Intrusive Interstitials and they may be the reason why your website is not reaching it’s full ranking potential.


Optimizing Page Experience Signals

optimizing page experience signals

May 2021 is coming and in just a few weeks, Google will release the much-awaited Page Experience which includes one of the hottest topics in SEO during the past year; the Core Web Vitals. With so much talk going on around the Core Web Vitals, people often forget that the 3 metrics are just a part of the Page Experience update.

As Google stated in their blog post back in May 2020, the signals derived from the Core Web Vitals are being combined with the existing signals for page experience which are; mobile-friendliness, safe-browsing, HTTPS-security, and intrusive interstitials guidelines.