Tag Archives: link prospecting

Dibz Review: Advanced Link Prospecting and Link Building Tool


It’s already a well-accepted fact in the SEO industry that link building is one of the best tactics for improving a website’s organic search rankings. Link building as a tactic involves many strategies and executions that often overwhelm beginners. One such strategy that is vital to link building is prospecting. I’ve been building links to SEO Hacker for quite a while now and finding the perfect prospect for guest posting or simple outreach often still eludes me. But that’s not the case anymore.

Among the hundreds of tools available in the market, I’ve just found one of the best to assist in my link prospecting endeavors. Dibz is a tool created by the Four Dots company to help SEOs and webmasters around the world not waste their time looking for the perfect prospect. Here’s how they helped me maximize (and effectively lessen) the time I spend looking for prospects in the world wide web:


Link Prospector: A Link Prospecting Tool by Citation Labs


So I came in touch with one of the best Linkbuilders in the field of SEO, Garrett French. I follow his posts in Search Engine Watch – simply because they are awesome and provide high-value information to me and my team. I asked him if I could have a sneak peek into one of his latest projects (they have officially launched now) –  a link prospecting tool named Link Prospector.


Competition Backlink Trolling

Competitor Backlinks

There are lots of ways to spy out a competitor’s moves in the internet marketing world. All websites are public. All websites are visible. Therefore all public activities of a website can be studied. One of those things are the backlinks of any website. And since you and your competitors are on the same playing field, why not try a little competition backlink trolling?