Tag Archives: yahoo site explorer

Monitor Backlinks Tool: When Monitoring your Backlinks plays a Crucial Role

Monitor Backlinks Logo


First situation: Domain of the backlink which you bought/sold expired

Problem 1: You buy an advertisement or a backlink from website “A”. How do you find out if “A” website has expired or the domain has been parked?

Problem 2: You sell a backlink or advertise a banner from your “B” site, but you will forget to renew the domain (which will also affect your client, because he will lose some link juice).


Monitor Backlinks Tool

Monitor Backlinks 


Anyone who’s been exposed to search engine optimization (SEO) will definitely say that links play a BIG, if not the biggest, part in it. If you think about SEO as the elections, what would it take to win in it…the answer: VOTES.


Yahoo Site Explorer Substitute: Quick Backlinks

Link Research Tools

Just recently, I’ve been contacted by a handful of SEO tool developers asking for reviews for their new Link Management and Backlink Checking tools. This sudden surge of tools are mostly a result of the shutdown of Yahoo Site Explorer. It’s the perfect time to launch tools that can catch the market that Yahoo Site Explorer has just let go. Quick backlinks tool or QBL by Link Research Tools, is one of these such tools.


Yahoo Site Explorer Alternatives


Yahoo Site Explorer has raised the white flag. Bye, old friend. What now? Well, we look for other alternatives of course! It would be so good if we could get free Yahoo Site Explorer alternatives, since YSE is free. So I looked up some of the free backlink checking tools out there and I’ve listed some of them down. But first, a little scrutiny over Bing.


Yahoo Site Explorer Replacement: SEO Spyglass

SEO Spyglass

Looking around the net for a Yahoo Site Explorer Alternative made me stumble upon a lot of different backlink-checking tool. There were some good ones, there were some bad ones, and then there was SEO Spyglass – which I thought is the closest I can get to retrieve the glory that Yahoo Site Explorer basked me with. I was badly mistaken.


Competition Backlink Trolling

Competitor Backlinks

There are lots of ways to spy out a competitor’s moves in the internet marketing world. All websites are public. All websites are visible. Therefore all public activities of a website can be studied. One of those things are the backlinks of any website. And since you and your competitors are on the same playing field, why not try a little competition backlink trolling?