Tag Archives: nofollow links


3 Major News Websites Now Nofollow External Links

It seems as though Google can now rest easy when it comes to the link schemes and manipulation happening in the online industry. Major News and Business websites such as Forbes and Inc have started to incorporate the nofollow attribute to their article’s external links. This could make the SEO industry take a turn for the better by slowly getting rid of link schemes, and making the competition for the first page ranking a fair fight.


How to Convince People to Click on your Links

How to Convince People to Click your Links

What gets people to click?

Quick Answer: Proper link placement as well as long and descriptive anchor text that is action-oriented and helps drive the number of clicks your link is getting. Minimizing distractions (such as the number of ads on the page) and achieving a healthy balance of content versus links will also keep your readers’ eyes on your content (and your links).


Outbound Links Tutorial

Outbound links

Why are outbound links good for SEO?

Quick Answer: Outbound links are important for your SEO because they increase the relevance of your website. They also help search engines determine how useful and helpful your pages are. This is because they provide trail of crumbs that allow search engine algorithms to process what you do, and the industry you’re in.


The Bright Side Behind Seemingly Useless Links

useless linksThere are different kinds of links in the internet. Different methods to acquire them. Different attributes that go with them. There are links that we look down on – and these are the links that I would like to talk about in this entry. What makes these links worthwhile?