Tag Archives: popularity

When to Spend 10 Hours (or more) for a Single Post

I’ve been writing posts for the last three or so years (has it really been that long?!?). My writing frequency, I have to admit, is quite erratic. When I started, I used to write at least three posts in a week. Now, given a lot of other commitments, I barely have the time to sit down and finish a post within a week. Though I still try, believe me.


Befriend the Virus of Exclusivity

Before I tell you how to exactly befriend the Virus of Exclusivity, I’m going to tell you what’s it all about in the first place.

Quick Example:

Think of say, online marketing. That’s a pretty congested and competitive niche. Thousands of people flock into it to fight for authority, dominance, and of course profits. But out of those people, only a recognizable few managed to stay on top.

Sure, those marketers maybe, the best, or the brightest, or the smartest guys on the face of the earth, but do you think that alone made them the big fishes in the vast ocean? Think about it.

Because honestly, there will always be brighter, smarter, bolder marketers out there. The only problem is that they’ve been excluded, even before they get the chance to make themselves big.