Tag Archives: blogging

8 Ways to Increase Blog Engagement

8 Ways to Increase Blog Engagement_cover photo

There are a lot of factors you have to consider when you want your blog to be successful. It’s not just about writing good quality articles. One of which would be user engagement for your posts. So if you have a blog, but feel that your visitor’s engagement with your blog is minimal at best, then this post is for you. In this post, we’re going to look at the 8 ways you can increase blog engagement for more comments, social shares, and links.


How to Quickly and Effectively Generate Blog Topics

How to Quickly and Effectively Generate Blog Topics_Cover Photo

Content is king. There’s no doubt about that, but there are challenges when you’ve had to continuously publish content regularly – you’ll run out of topics to write about. This is a challenge most bloggers, content marketers, and even SEOs have to face at some point in their careers. Since the web is filled with competitors, there’s a high chance that a good number of them can produce content faster and more frequently than you. So, with all the competitors that are writing about, probably, the same topics as you are, how do you reach a level where producing a topic that your readers will surely love can be achieved in the fastest time possible? Let’s find out. 


4 Advanced SEO Blog Tips to Quickly Generate Links, Shares and Traffic

4 Advanced SEO Blog Tips to Quickly Generate Links, Shares and Traffic

In this post, I’m going to share four advanced SEO blog tips to earn you more backlinks, social shares, and traffic quickly. I used these tips on my second ever blog post to score over 100 social shares and two bonus backlinks in a matter of days. Today you’re going to learn how to use them and find out exactly why these SEO blog tips are so effective at scoring more links, shares, and traffic.


How to Brainstorm New Content Ideas In a Hurry

How to Brainstorm New Content Ideas In a Hurry

Every now and then, there would be times that you might run out of ideas for new content. This can happen to any of us, and it tends to be troublesome, especially when you’re on a tight publishing schedule. This makes content marketing one of the toughest parts of our job, as keeping relevant and viral content helps generate traffic and conversions.


Identifying Low Quality (and High Quality) Content in 2019

Identifying Low Quality (and High Quality) Content in 2018

Content is one of the most essential elements needed to drive traffic to any type of website. Content comes in many forms, from blogs, infographics, announcements, images, video, and much more. Our team ensures that the websites we handle only have content that is of the best quality, making sure that we help boost traffic, and generate more conversions.


Five Content Marketing Lessons You Can Learn from Simon Cowell

Lessons Learned from Simon Cowell

I’ve always been a fan of Simon Cowell. The moment he stepped out of American Idol, I immediately stopped watching it and switched to X-Factor – only because he’s there.

Note: Watch out for our post about experts advises on starting your content marketing campaigns. We are very privileged to have advises from Rand Fishkin, Neil Patel, Jerod Morris and a lot more! Subscribe to our mailing list, and be the first to have this.


15 Tips for a High-Performance Blog

Blogs make for great reading because bloggers tend to be individuals or companies blogging unbiased content. That makes for a refreshing read compared to advertising-backed publishers, sponsored writing, unjustifiable opinions, and scores of other nuances that make even long-term, respectable publishers dwarf in comparison to trust.

For a blog to reach this stage of “dumbing down what the big publishers claim,” there’s a long way to go. Here are some tips to make your blog stay on the high-performance circuit.