Tag Archives: Quality Content

Understanding Trust and Citation Flow

Understanding Trust and Citation Flow

When it comes to looking for quality in websites, the very first thing that you would need to check is their content. The quality of your content affects numerous factors that will determine the amount of traffic, along searchability and the trustworthiness of the content. For the latter, Google’s E.A.T. allows the search engine to measure how effective and informative the content is.


Google Launches the August Core Algorithm Update: What You Need To Know

Google Launches the August Core Algorithm Update: What You Need To Know

Last July, Google has launched the Google Speed update, which adds mobile page loading speed as a ranking factor. Along with a new ranking factor, the July update also emphasized the need to optimize websites for mobile usage, as “slower” websites can lose traffic should the performance remain below par. The new update also caused a ranking fluctuation as a result, which led to some digital marketing professionals to speculate that another update might arrive soon.


Identifying Low Quality (and High Quality) Content in 2019

Identifying Low Quality (and High Quality) Content in 2018

Content is one of the most essential elements needed to drive traffic to any type of website. Content comes in many forms, from blogs, infographics, announcements, images, video, and much more. Our team ensures that the websites we handle only have content that is of the best quality, making sure that we help boost traffic, and generate more conversions.


Analyzing Google’s March Algorithm Update

Google March Update

It is no secret that Google updates its search and ranking algorithms every now and then without informing users firsthand. Some of these updates and changes can come off as minor and will not affect rankings drastically. However, those that do tend to shake things up to varying levels that can cause a good amount of concern.