Tag Archives: content marketing

Content Marketing vs SEO: Which is the Better Investment?

Content Marketing vs SEO Which is the Better Investment cover photo

I found an interesting discussion/argument on Twitter that was sparked when someone mentioned that “Marketing is dead.” Plus there is no shortage of people proclaiming online (every year, it seems) that “SEO is dead.”

I know that content marketing isn’t exactly traditional marketing, but it is marketing nonetheless. I’m not here to argue whether they are dead or not (they aren’t, the fact that you look up stuff on Google is enough proof of that), but if people insist on content marketing vs SEO, then we should look at what they actually are for and if they’re worth the investment.


Benefits of Using Trend Data for Content Marketing

Benefits of Using Trend Data for Content Marketing_Cover Photo

Content Marketing is a world in itself. For content to win the hearts of its audience, you need to consistently pull people into that world of stories you share with a purpose. Content needs to have the ability to be an enigma, subtle but aggressive. One of the things you could do to achieve this is to listen to the pulse of your audience and you can do that by taking advantage of data you can see through their searches.


How to Quickly and Effectively Generate Blog Topics

How to Quickly and Effectively Generate Blog Topics_Cover Photo

Content is king. There’s no doubt about that, but there are challenges when you’ve had to continuously publish content regularly – you’ll run out of topics to write about. This is a challenge most bloggers, content marketers, and even SEOs have to face at some point in their careers. Since the web is filled with competitors, there’s a high chance that a good number of them can produce content faster and more frequently than you. So, with all the competitors that are writing about, probably, the same topics as you are, how do you reach a level where producing a topic that your readers will surely love can be achieved in the fastest time possible? Let’s find out. 


Why Your Page’s Word Count Isn’t as Important as You Might Think

Cover Photo - Why Your Page's Word Count isn't as Important as you might think

Here’s the formula: the longer your page’s word count is, the more chances it has to be successful in search. That’s a common belief or statement in the SEO industry. That might have been true 2 to 3 years ago, but does it still hold effective up to today – amidst all the confirmed and unconfirmed algorithm updates rolled out by Google?


How to use your Competitor’s Dead Pages Against Them

Cover Photo - How to use your Competitor’s Dead Pages Against Them

SEO has become an increasingly competitive industry where you can be on top in one day, and quickly fall in the next if you’re not careful. Having the right strategy and winning formula counts if you want to overcome your competitors. Analyzing the competition has become a standard approach when it comes to formulating the right strategy that will help you go on top of the search rankings.


Optimizing Content for Featured Snippets

Optimizing Blog Posts for Featured Snippets

SEO is not just a race to the number one spot anymore. Nowadays, you have to be quick on your feet to try strategies like Featured Snippet Optimization. Featured Snippets (also known as Rank Zero) are taking over. According to a study by Ahrefs in 2017, keywords with Featured Snippets are taking 8.6% of all clicks while 19.6% percent goes to the organic search result that is ranking at number 1. This can help you drive a load of traffic to your site without churning out new content or backlinks.


Content Strategy Tips to Improve your SEO in 2019

Content Strategy Tips to Improve your SEO in 2019

The past two Google Algorithm updates have shown what Google wants SEO companies and professionals to focus on: quality content. Content marketing has remained a very important element in driving more traffic into websites, with blogs allowing users to discover new content and services through search.


SEO Hacker Blog Optimization Guide


Blogging sites have been around for as long as the internet became mainstream. These websites have become a place in which internet users are able to express themselves, provide information, and even share files and media. A blog’s flexibility has made it into one of the best ways to market content and drive search traffic to different kinds of websites.


Optimizing your Videos for SEO in 2019

Optimizing your Videos for SEO in 2019

Video has become perhaps the most popular form of content on the internet, with social media and video streaming websites boasting high traffic numbers. With increasingly fast internet speed, and mobile becoming the platform of choice for browsing, video content has become more accessible to users worldwide.