Tag Archives: Search Snippet

Optimizing Content for Featured Snippets

Optimizing Blog Posts for Featured Snippets

SEO is not just a race to the number one spot anymore. Nowadays, you have to be quick on your feet to try strategies like Featured Snippet Optimization. Featured Snippets (also known as Rank Zero) are taking over. According to a study by Ahrefs in 2017, keywords with Featured Snippets are taking 8.6% of all clicks while 19.6% percent goes to the organic search result that is ranking at number 1. This can help you drive a load of traffic to your site without churning out new content or backlinks.


How Named Anchor Links Optimize Your Search Snippets

How Fraggles Optimize Your Search Snippets

As a student of SEO, I’ve learned so many things that can affect your online presence over the years, from algorithm updates to various strategies borne out of experimentation. All of these are done just for our websites to show up on the first page of Google’s search results, along with expanding your presence and brand and generate revenue in the ever-expanding digital landscape.