Tag Archives: featured snippet

Featured Snippet Update: Deduplication and Other Info You Need to Know


Featured Snippets, also known as rank zero, is one of the coveted spots in the search engine results pages. It allows your content to directly reach the users even without them clicking on your URL listing. Of course, featured snippets have been controversial to the zero-click issue with Google, but it’s undeniable that they pose a sense of usefulness for the users. However, Google recently updated the way they display a featured snippet’s URL listing. Is it good or bad?


Optimizing Content for Featured Snippets

Optimizing Blog Posts for Featured Snippets

SEO is not just a race to the number one spot anymore. Nowadays, you have to be quick on your feet to try strategies like Featured Snippet Optimization. Featured Snippets (also known as Rank Zero) are taking over. According to a study by Ahrefs in 2017, keywords with Featured Snippets are taking 8.6% of all clicks while 19.6% percent goes to the organic search result that is ranking at number 1. This can help you drive a load of traffic to your site without churning out new content or backlinks.


Why You Should Use JSON-LD to Optimize Your Local SEO

Why You Should Use JSON-LD to Optimize Your Local SEO

Schema has become an integral part of optimizing your website for search, as it helps search engines have a better understanding of your website, allowing it to become more accessible for the users. When it comes to informative aspects of your website, adding schema markup provides more context for search engines for information such as location, contacts, and other crucial information that you want to provide to the user.


How Named Anchor Links Optimize Your Search Snippets

How Fraggles Optimize Your Search Snippets

As a student of SEO, I’ve learned so many things that can affect your online presence over the years, from algorithm updates to various strategies borne out of experimentation. All of these are done just for our websites to show up on the first page of Google’s search results, along with expanding your presence and brand and generate revenue in the ever-expanding digital landscape.


Daring SEO Strategies You Must Try This 2018


With SEO experiencing another big year in 2017, this 2018 looks to improve on those results. For our team at SEO Hacker, we have been able to help some of our biggest clients experience their highest search rankings, and even helped make their sites more accessible and user-friendly than ever. Their presence and visibility on the internet, which includes search engines and social media platforms, has greatly increased under our watch.


Knowledge Panels Up and Featured Snippets Down: What You Need to Know

Knowledge Panels Up and Featured Snippets Down: What You Need to Know

Featured Snippets in Google have been on an upward trend during the past few years, with more websites looking to attain “position 0”, which puts you on top of the search engine results pages. This allows websites to attract more users to gain more traffic, and gain more leads. This also allows users to get the best results to their search terms, and give them the best information available.


Three Powerful Strategies to Hack On-Page SEO [Case Study]

Three Powerful Strategies to Hack On-Page SEO

As part of the WordLift team and as a blogger, I run several experiments each week to see what kind of strategies can help hack on-page SEO. These experiments provided more in-depth information regarding on-page SEO, along with the discovery of how to properly do it to help my SEO campaign.