Tag Archives: Long Tail Keywords

Time-saving SEO Practices You Should Try

Time-saving SEO Practices You Should Try

SEO is one of the world’s fastest growing industries over the past few years. With a growing amount of companies looking to improve their presence and branding, it is best to look for the best and most effective SEO strategies and techniques that would help save your time.


How Keywords have Changed in 2018

How Keywords have Changed in 2018

Keyword research is one of the fundamental SEO practices and is usually the starting point of almost every important SEO strategy. The process of picking the right keywords for a website has been somewhat very simple and familiar over the past few years and involves simply entering a series of keywords and take a look at how statistically viable it would be, along with being relevant to what the website offers.


Exploring SERPED.net’s Keyword Research Tool

Exploring SERPED.net’s Keyword Research Tool

A few months back, we did a review for SERPED.net, which became a part of our vast SEO toolbox due to its versatility. Some of the many tools that SERPED.net offers include Domain Finding and Research, Site Management, Rank, Tracking, Client Acquisition, and Keyword Research. With this amount of tools at your disposal, SERPED.net truly is one of the best SEO tools around.


Daring SEO Strategies You Must Try This 2018


With SEO experiencing another big year in 2017, this 2018 looks to improve on those results. For our team at SEO Hacker, we have been able to help some of our biggest clients experience their highest search rankings, and even helped make their sites more accessible and user-friendly than ever. Their presence and visibility on the internet, which includes search engines and social media platforms, has greatly increased under our watch.