Tag Archives: 2018

How Google Has Updated Voice and Exact Search Terms This 2018

How Google Has Updated Voice and Exact Search Terms This 2018

Google’s search engine has been at the forefront of the changes made by the company this past 2018, with algorithm updates aiming to optimize search results on both the local and international level. The impact of these algorithm updates has been felt by numerous websites around the world, with some experiencing a surge and drop in rankings in the past few months.


WordPress 5.0: What You Need To Know To Get Ready

WordPress 5.0: What You Need To Know To Get Ready

WordPress has become one of the top content management systems around, thanks to its user-friendly interface, and the ability to create versatile and high-performance websites. With so much functionality, thanks in huge part to the massive variety of plugins available, WordPress has helped numerous companies, organizations, and brands establish their online presence.


A Look Into the Latest Google Algorithm Update (July 2018)

A look into the latest Google Algorithm Update (July 2018)

Google is a search engine that always finds ways to innovate and optimize their services to improve the overall user experience and provide the best search results. This 2018, we have already seen numerous updates, from Google Images removing the ‘View Image’ option to Google launching an algorithm update last March that caused a fluctuation in rankings.


SEO Hacker’s Guest Blogging Guide for 2019

SEO Hacker's Guest Blogging Guide for 2018

Guest blogging is one of the fundamentals of effective content marketing and link building strategy. If you have a website that is looking to get more traffic, starting out by guest blogging is usually one of the best ways to go. This helps expand your online presence, promote useful content, and establish quality and authoritative links.


A Look Into the Upcoming Google Maps Update

A Look Into the Upcoming Google Maps Update

One of the notable updates announced during the past week is for Google Maps, which will be having new features in the upcoming months. Maps is one of the most popular Google services, as it provides users with a platform that allows them to navigate and travel more conveniently than before. It is also an essential local SEO tool that helps businesses and important locations become more visible.


How Keywords have Changed in 2018

How Keywords have Changed in 2018

Keyword research is one of the fundamental SEO practices and is usually the starting point of almost every important SEO strategy. The process of picking the right keywords for a website has been somewhat very simple and familiar over the past few years and involves simply entering a series of keywords and take a look at how statistically viable it would be, along with being relevant to what the website offers.


Google Images Update Removes View Image and Image Search


Why did Google remove the view image button?

Quick Answer: With concerns about piracy, Google rolled out an update in 2018 which removed the “View Image” button—something that used to redirect users directly to the image’s URL. This bypassed the publisher’s page first, leading to the concern. In line with this update, Google also made its image search copyright disclaimer more prominent.


Keep the Pace: Preparing for the Google Speed Update

Loading speed has become an integral part of SEO, being a factor in the overall user experience. It has been proven numerous times that fast loading speeds help users stay longer in a website, ensuring that you have steady traffic and a lower bounce rate. There are a variety of ways to lower loading times, which include using WordPress tools, along with some effective site optimization techniques that keep things fast and smooth.


How Voice Search Can Impact Your SEO for 2019


Search engine technology has seen quite the evolution over the past few years, with updates from companies like Google creating better search engines that help users get the best results. This series of updates that Google has done over the past few years not only improves search results but also help accommodate and adopt new technologies such as mobile sites and voice search.


Happy New Year SEO Hackers!


On behalf of the team here at SEO Hacker, we wish all of you a Happy New Year! With 2017 being an important year for the company’s growth, with a lot of development focused on our team and services, we have definitely made it count. These experiences have simply made us a better company with a stronger team that is ready to take on all the challenges.