Tag Archives: loading speed

How Not To Get Screwed By Google’s Mobile-First Index

How Not To Get Screwed By Google's Mobile-First Index

Mobile usage has drastically increased over the past few years, with more and more users accessing websites through their devices. This led to Mobile SEO becoming much more important than before. Recently, Google has increased their focus on mobile search, with the Google Speed update adding mobile page loading speed as a ranking factor.


A Look Into the Latest Google Algorithm Update (July 2018)

A look into the latest Google Algorithm Update (July 2018)

Google is a search engine that always finds ways to innovate and optimize their services to improve the overall user experience and provide the best search results. This 2018, we have already seen numerous updates, from Google Images removing the ‘View Image’ option to Google launching an algorithm update last March that caused a fluctuation in rankings.


The SEO Hacker Mobile Optimization Checklist

The SEO Hacker Mobile Optimization Checklist

SEO in 2018 is another year where big changes are happening, as Google aims to roll out numerous updates that would aim to improve the user experience, especially for mobile websites. When it comes to the mobile experience, this has been seen by Google as the future platform in which search would thrive more.


Ultimate Guide to Site Speed Optimization

Site Speed

Site speed is a part of On site optimization that can be really easily overlooked when you’re a busy internet marketer. You’ve got an overflowing email inbox, social media stuffs to take care of, and your next blog entry. Who has time for site speed? Well just so you know, site speed has increased my pageviews dramatically. (Not to mention it’s a ranking factor.) It’s a powerful, rewarding thing to optimize. In this series, I’ll take you through the best, easiest ways to optimize your site speed.