Tag Archives: Website Audit

Exploring SE Ranking’s Updated Website Audit Tool

SE Ranking's Updated Website Audit Tool

A website audit is done to look at the on page and off page factors that could affect your visibility on the Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs). If you have a big website, it could become a daunting task to go through hundreds or even thousands of pages. Tools like SE Ranking’s updated Website Audit tool can help you out.


A Look Into the Latest Google Algorithm Update (July 2018)

A look into the latest Google Algorithm Update (July 2018)

Google is a search engine that always finds ways to innovate and optimize their services to improve the overall user experience and provide the best search results. This 2018, we have already seen numerous updates, from Google Images removing the ‘View Image’ option to Google launching an algorithm update last March that caused a fluctuation in rankings.


Serpstat: An In-depth Look

Serpstat: An In-depth Look

The SEO Hacker Toolbox contains some of the best SEO Tools available. Whether it be free or premium, we always ensure that we have the best tools that can help make our jobs much easier. We have covered a good number of these tools recently, which includes, Link Cheetah, Ahrefs, Mangools Online Tools, and even SERPED.net.


Why You Should Make The Switch to HTTPS in 2018

Why You Should Make The Switch to HTTPS by July 2018

With the Google Speed update being rolled out this July, another update sees websites that have not made the switch to HTTPS labeled as “not secure” on Google Chrome browsers. With the latest version of the Chrome browser launching in the same month, this makes switching one of the most urgent tasks that a lot of website owners face.


The Complete Guide to Perform an SEO Audit

The Complete Guide to Perform an SEO Audit

Ever given thought to what you can do to increase your site’s search engine visibility? If yes, a website audit is sure to go a long way towards achieving your goals. As a business, it’s critical to run website audits on a regular basis especially if you want to stay on the good side of Google — you wouldn’t want to get penalized for things you can handle, right?CONTINUE READING

Analyzing Google’s March Algorithm Update

Google March Update

It is no secret that Google updates its search and ranking algorithms every now and then without informing users firsthand. Some of these updates and changes can come off as minor and will not affect rankings drastically. However, those that do tend to shake things up to varying levels that can cause a good amount of concern.


International SEO: Things You Need to Know

International SEO: Things You Need to Know

One of the best aspects of doing SEO is that it is able to take your brand to not only a local audience, but also to an international one as well. Along with working with some of the most well-known and established clients in the Philippines, but also clients from different parts of the world.


TechSEO360: The SEO Hacker Review

TechSEO360 Review

We have had a good number of SEO tool reviews done this past 2017. We’ve had versatile tools such as SERPED.net, website auditing tools like SEOmator, conversion rate tools like Omniconvert, keyboard tracking software like AccuRanker, and versatile language processing tools like Wordlift. These excellent and dynamic tools have become important parts of our expanding SEO toolbox, and have made SEO in 2017 a better experience for us.


Analyze and Audit: The SEOmator Review

We have had a good number of SEO tool reviews over the past few months, and some of them have become an important part in our SEO arsenal. When it comes to SEO-related tasks, one of the most important is website analysis and audit. When it comes to this task, we use SEOmator as our main tool, and it has been in our SEO toolbox for quite some time. Here is an in-depth review of SEOmator, what it does, and see if this is the tool that you should be using on your SEO team.