Tag Archives: mobile seo

Using Log File Analysis to Optimize Your SEO Strategy


Using Log File Analysis to Optimize Your SEO Strategy

The challenge for webmasters everywhere is to accurately know what GoogleBot is doing on your website. GoogleBot’s primary job whenever they enter a website is to crawl a specific number of pages set by the website’s crawl budget. After crawling, they save the pages they crawled to Google’s database.


Google Pixel 3: Looking at the SEO-Friendly Features

Google Pixel 3: Looking at the SEO-Friendly Features

The Google Pixel 3 is about to be released, and it surely is one of the most versatile smartphones in the market today. With one of the most powerful phone cameras around, and some new Google tools and features, the Pixel 3 offers many things worth taking a look. When it comes to Google and SEO, the Pixel 3 is perhaps the device that is best optimized for mobile search as well.


How Not To Get Screwed By Google’s Mobile-First Index

How Not To Get Screwed By Google's Mobile-First Index

Mobile usage has drastically increased over the past few years, with more and more users accessing websites through their devices. This led to Mobile SEO becoming much more important than before. Recently, Google has increased their focus on mobile search, with the Google Speed update adding mobile page loading speed as a ranking factor.


A Guide to the Best Voice and Visual Search Apps for your Smartphone

A Guide to the Best Voice and Visual Search Apps for your Smartphone

2018 has been a year of big changes and numerous trends in SEO, from the GDPR being put into law, mobile speed becoming a ranking factor, and algorithm updates rolling out almost every other month. This year has truly been big for the world of search, and it looks to become even bigger with the introduction of new ways to do search.


A Look Into the Latest Google Algorithm Update (July 2018)

A look into the latest Google Algorithm Update (July 2018)

Google is a search engine that always finds ways to innovate and optimize their services to improve the overall user experience and provide the best search results. This 2018, we have already seen numerous updates, from Google Images removing the ‘View Image’ option to Google launching an algorithm update last March that caused a fluctuation in rankings.


How Gamification Can Step Up Your Digital Marketing Game

How Gamification Can Step Up Your Digital Marketing Game

Once upon a time, digital media related to gaming was initially thought of as just a niche, a temporary fad that will fade over the years. Fast forward to today, and gaming is now one of the most profitable forms of media worldwide, with millions of dedicated players contributing to the millions earned each passing day.


Augmented Reality and Local SEO: Looking Into The Future

Augmented Reality and Local SEO

Mobile technology has come a long way over the past decade, with smartphone and tablet technology experiencing rapid development. Today, mobile phones are not only devices that are used only for calling and texting, as they have become versatile devices that can perform a variety of functions such as gaming, mobile browsing, music and video playback, and even augmented reality.


Time-saving SEO Practices You Should Try

Time-saving SEO Practices You Should Try

SEO is one of the world’s fastest growing industries over the past few years. With a growing amount of companies looking to improve their presence and branding, it is best to look for the best and most effective SEO strategies and techniques that would help save your time.