Tag Archives: Google Lens

Google Pixel 3: Looking at the SEO-Friendly Features

Google Pixel 3: Looking at the SEO-Friendly Features

The Google Pixel 3 is about to be released, and it surely is one of the most versatile smartphones in the market today. With one of the most powerful phone cameras around, and some new Google tools and features, the Pixel 3 offers many things worth taking a look. When it comes to Google and SEO, the Pixel 3 is perhaps the device that is best optimized for mobile search as well.


Google Lens Coming to Google Image Search: A Look at the New Features

Google Lens Coming to Google Image Search: A Look at the New Features

Introduced in 2017, Google Lens is one of the newest visual search tools that enable users to be able to receive information through the images that they take. Compared to other visual search engines that are currently available, Google Lens stands out as one of the best. With Google celebrating its twentieth anniversary, one important announcement that they have made is that Google Lens will be coming to Google Images.


A Guide to the Best Voice and Visual Search Apps for your Smartphone

A Guide to the Best Voice and Visual Search Apps for your Smartphone

2018 has been a year of big changes and numerous trends in SEO, from the GDPR being put into law, mobile speed becoming a ranking factor, and algorithm updates rolling out almost every other month. This year has truly been big for the world of search, and it looks to become even bigger with the introduction of new ways to do search.


How Visual Search Impacts the Future of SEO

How Visual Search Impacts the Future of SEO

Search in 2018 has become much more diverse than it was a few years ago, with new features such as voice search adding an entirely new dimension to how people explore search engines for answers to their queries. With AI Assistants like Google Assistant becoming more commonplace, search can now be conducted even without having to type a single letter.


A Look Into the Upcoming Google Maps Update

A Look Into the Upcoming Google Maps Update

One of the notable updates announced during the past week is for Google Maps, which will be having new features in the upcoming months. Maps is one of the most popular Google services, as it provides users with a platform that allows them to navigate and travel more conveniently than before. It is also an essential local SEO tool that helps businesses and important locations become more visible.