Tag Archives: content seo

Making SEO-Friendly Content With Marketing Miner

How To Optimize Your Content For SEO With Marketing Miner

You might have encountered the line “content is king” in many SEO blogs. Creating and optimizing your content for SEO is a reliable strategy to drive more website traffic. As you do so, you can also have more websites linking to your content as it provides valuable information to their visitors. 

However, it’s not as simple as it sounds. Google’s new Helpful Content Update just proves that the quality of content on your website is vital to how you will rank in the SERPs. To explain it in simpler terms, it has to be unique, relevant, and helpful for the readers. 


How Visual Search Impacts the Future of SEO

How Visual Search Impacts the Future of SEO

Search in 2018 has become much more diverse than it was a few years ago, with new features such as voice search adding an entirely new dimension to how people explore search engines for answers to their queries. With AI Assistants like Google Assistant becoming more commonplace, search can now be conducted even without having to type a single letter.


Developing a User Centric Content Strategy


Content should exist because there is a target set of audience – people who will read, watch, and/or look at your stuff. Keep in mind that the reason we are making content is not to make ourselves feel good, or to archive and document what our company is about. We make content for people – users who drop by in your site because they want to know you!