Tag Archives: wordpress

Why WordPress Is The Best CMS For SEO

Graphics of WordPress, the Best CMS For SEO

There are a lot of factors that go into creating an SEO-friendly website. Integration of keywords into content, proper use of header tags, optimization of technical factors, and more. Even if you come up with a great strategy, the most important thing is this — the execution. This is where choosing the best CMS for SEO comes in. You want a content management system that allows you to easily customize multiple parts of your site.


WordPress 5.0: What You Need To Know To Get Ready

WordPress 5.0: What You Need To Know To Get Ready

WordPress has become one of the top content management systems around, thanks to its user-friendly interface, and the ability to create versatile and high-performance websites. With so much functionality, thanks in huge part to the massive variety of plugins available, WordPress has helped numerous companies, organizations, and brands establish their online presence.


The SEO Hacker Mobile Optimization Checklist

The SEO Hacker Mobile Optimization Checklist

SEO in 2018 is another year where big changes are happening, as Google aims to roll out numerous updates that would aim to improve the user experience, especially for mobile websites. When it comes to the mobile experience, this has been seen by Google as the future platform in which search would thrive more.


Using SERPED.net for Content Management


SERPED.net has become one of the most effective SEO tools in our toolbox, as it has a wide variety of features that makes it feel like you are using more than one tool. We have done reviews for SERPED itself, along with a guide on using it for keyword research, yet there are still some features that we can still cover. If you want to try it out for yourself, here is the link to their website.


Keep the Pace: Preparing for the Google Speed Update

Loading speed has become an integral part of SEO, being a factor in the overall user experience. It has been proven numerous times that fast loading speeds help users stay longer in a website, ensuring that you have steady traffic and a lower bounce rate. There are a variety of ways to lower loading times, which include using WordPress tools, along with some effective site optimization techniques that keep things fast and smooth.



WordPress is Requiring Websites to Have HTTPS by 2017

2017 is shaping up to be a good year because WordPress is going to start implementing features that make HTTPS necessary to people’s websites. This was something that WordPress announced recently. WordPress acknowledges that these changes are going to be a “…hurdle” that users and webmasters alike are going to have to go through similar to when JavaScript was adopted by people everywhere back then.



WordPress Adds More Advanced SEO Tools to its Repertoire


Content is very important to SEO and I’ve always thought that the key to a successful pursuit of SEO lies in the individual’s ability to create, curate and distribute content. On one hand, WordPress is one of the best blogs to use for SEO because it incorporates SEO tools into its in-house text editor and it’s easily customizable to suit people’s needs, whatever they may be.