Tag Archives: Mobile

Keep the Pace: Preparing for the Google Speed Update

Loading speed has become an integral part of SEO, being a factor in the overall user experience. It has been proven numerous times that fast loading speeds help users stay longer in a website, ensuring that you have steady traffic and a lower bounce rate. There are a variety of ways to lower loading times, which include using WordPress tools, along with some effective site optimization techniques that keep things fast and smooth.


How Voice Search Can Impact Your SEO for 2019


Search engine technology has seen quite the evolution over the past few years, with updates from companies like Google creating better search engines that help users get the best results. This series of updates that Google has done over the past few years not only improves search results but also help accommodate and adopt new technologies such as mobile sites and voice search.



How to Become Mobile-friendly For Google’s Major Index Divide

Last month Google announced that it will be dividing up its index in order to serve mobile search queries and desktop search queries separately. The mobile index will become the “primary” index, whilst the secondary desktop index will not be as up to date as the mobile one. With the change set to occur within a matter of months, it’s time for websites to really up their game when it comes to mobile SEO.