Tag Archives: seo strategy


Adapting Your SEO Strategy When Your Business Changes

SEO Specialists should be able to adapt to Google’s changes on the fly. I’m not exaggerating when I say that for SEO, you either adapt or you die. I can’t stress how crucial it is for any SEO to be ready to accept any changes in the industry and to always be informed on the regular updates that any search engine releases.



Combining SEO and PPC as a Strategy and their Pros and Cons

Search Engine Optimization has been in existence for a number of years, and with it came other alternatives that practitioners can use. There is no doubt that SEO is at the top of the list when ranking a website is the topic at hand.

Using SEO as a marketing strategy, however, also has its setbacks and problems that numerous people have often encountered. One main problem that SEO gives to people that use it, is that when it is conducted by a newly-established business.