Category: SEO

Core Web Vitals Guide Part 2: Largest Contentful Paint (LCP)

In the 2nd part of our Core Web Vitals guide, we’ll talk about the first of the three metrics, Largest Contentful Paint or LCP. I’ll run you through everything you need to know about LCP and how you can optimize for it to get your website prepared for when Core Web Vitals become a ranking factor in 2021.

Website loading speeds are one of the most important ranking factors and it highly affects user experience as well. If it takes minutes before your main content loads, it is a bad experience for the user. 

Before, it was challenging for developers to measure the time it takes for the main content of a web page to be visible to a user. So Google kept it simple and found out that the best way to measure it is by the largest element on the web page thus the metric, Largest Contentful Paint. 


How to Remove a URL of your Website on Google Search

In SEO, one of the ways to signify the growth of the website is to identify the amount of content that is added over time. However, there will be cases where you would want to remove some of your content from Google’s index.

URL removals from Google Search is a normal process and there are more ways than one to do it. It is not a complicated process but it is important to follow the process correctly to avoid negatively affecting your SEO.


Importance of Geotagging your Keywords for SEO

What is the importance of geotagging in SEO?

Quick Answer: Geotagging your keywords is very important for local SEO, and is even considered a required component. Proper use of these keywords for your targeted locations can tailored your content to your audience’s needs, improve your ranking in search results, and even result in higher chances of conversions.


Guide on Applying How-To Schema on your Blog Posts

In the age that we are living in, most of the daily problems we encounter are not solved by asking an expert or contacting a friend. What do we do? We Google it.

Your computer showed an unknown error? Need to change your WiFi password? Want to know the best way to take care of your new succulents?

You go to Google, you start with ‘How to’ and you fill in the blanks. That’s right. If you have a problem, you ask Google How-To.


What is Evergreen Content and How Important it is for SEO went live for the first time in April 2010 – which means it’s been a decade and I’m proud to say that we’re still going strong. Every year, our website traffic grows because most of our old articles are consistently generating us traffic as we produce more fresh content.

The secret behind is age-old SEO advice: evergreen content. And even though publishing evergreen content is such a classic SEO and marketing strategy, I assure you that it works up to this day.


Publishing Dates of Blog Posts: Do they Affect Rankings?

Every day, millions of people are looking for fresh content on Google. For us SEOs, this means that when we publish content can be as important as what content we publish. 

Some say the older a post gets, the higher it will rank. Others would say that fresh and the latest content would perform better.


Benefits of Using Trend Data for Content Marketing

Content Marketing is a world in itself. For content to win the hearts of its audience, you need to consistently pull people into that world of stories you share with a purpose. Content needs to have the ability to be an enigma, subtle but aggressive. One of the things you could do to achieve this is to listen to the pulse of your audience and you can do that by taking advantage of data you can see through their searches.


Google’s Rich Results Test Tool is Now Out of Beta

In the Official Google Webmaster Central blog, Google announced that the Rich Results Test tool is now officially out of beta and is now supporting all of Google’s rich results feature.

Google also announced that the Structured Data Testing tool is going to be deprecated. It is still available for a short time but there is no specific date yet on when Google will officially remove it.

Moving forward, Google urges webmasters to use the Rich Results Test tool to validate all structured data markups. Here’s what you need to know about the Rich Results Test tool.


How to Get in Google News

Google News is the go-to platform for millions of users worldwide for local and international news. It is the largest news aggregator in the world. It collects fresh news articles from around the web and serves it to users depending on relevancy, location, interests, and more. 

Appearing in Google News provides a lot of benefits for website owners such as more website traffic and additional monetization options. It also opens up your website to a broader audience since it is available on various devices across different countries. And unlike Google Search, websites are served to a user through a feed rather than a search results page.


Takeaways from Google’s Webspam Report 2019

Earlier this month, Google released its annual Webspam Report in the Official Google Webmaster Blog for 2019 where they discuss their fight against webspam. Webspam refers to webpages that try to manipulate Google’s algorithm or use techniques that are deceptive to users.

As someone who is devoted to doing white-hat SEO, I personally look forward to this every year. This is not only a good way of getting in the know on what Google is doing to make their website a safer place for users but also it is a great way to avoid trouble for your website.