Tag Archives: cognitive seo

Cognitive SEO Review: Unnatural Links Detection

No escape for unnatural links

Unnatural links have been “Red Hot” in Google’s eyes for quite some time already. Just last month, Google updated its ‘Link schemes’ document‘ which is meant to penalize guest posting done in large scale, advertising where payment is received, and optimized anchor texts in Press Releases. It surely is troublesome to sift through your links and manually check which of your links are natural  or not.


Cognitive SEO: Post Penguin Backlink Analysis Capabilities

Cognitive SEO Update

With the Penguin and EMD updates you really need to understand your links.  The time when having a bunch of links that would increase your rankings (no matter where they are coming from) is long gone. After the Penguin update, Google has become much smarter and can analyze link profiles like never before.


How does the Google Penguin Update Affects SEO and Negative SEO?

Google Penguin Update

Over Optimization has been hitting websites like bowling pins – the score just keeps piling up. Google has now named this update the ‘Penguin’. I’m not entirely sure as to why. Sounds cute doesn’t it?


Link Management Tool: Cognitive SEO

Cognitive SEO Logo

Recently, I had  the opportunity of being invited by Cognitive SEO to review their link management tool. It’s in beta phase and I assumed that it would function somewhat like Raventools. Cognitive SEO tells me that their SEO toolkit is unique and a new development in the area of link management. (I’ll be giving out a FREE COUPON CODE at the end of this entry) Let’s take a closer look:

Note: Cognitive SEO Has launched a version 2 of their Link Management Tool.