Tag Archives: google penguin

Throwback: Eight of the Greatest Changes in SEO in the Past Ten Years


In terms of progress, SEO is one of the most influential marketing channels in the world. The reason being is that SEO is one of most progressive fields in terms of innovation and updates. Google regularly makes changes to their algorithm to make SEO more rewarding for website owners or to weed out the black hat SEO practitioners. The fact of the matter is that 10 years ago, SEO was a very different game but the players are still the same.

Google solidified its position as THE authority in SEO around 10 years ago during the early 2000s so let’s take a look at how it has changed through the years and ask ourselves: Are the changes good and can are these changes still applicable today? Let’s find out.


Internet search on a tablet

How to Adapt and Embrace Changes to Google’s Algorithim

Internet search on a tablet

SEO is one of the most progressive fields in the world. Everything about it is centered on change and if something refuses to improve, it is then deemed obsolete and dropped. That’s how the world of SEO goes and that’s why everything about it is bordering on the cutting edge. Just recently, Google updated its algorithm with Penguin which we talked about in a previous post.


5 Things I Love about Google Panda and Penguin

Google Panda and Penguin

Lots of businesses went out with the wake of Google’s Panda and Penguin updates. Some of them were unethical. But there were some good that got knocked out too. Search engine results pages have improved since then. But more than just the SERPs improving, here’s what I love about Google Panda and Penguin.


How to Get Your Site Ready for Penguin 3.0 (Really)


As you know, Google rolled out Penguin 2.0 By May 22nd, only 2.3% of the sites in Google’s index have taken a hit from it. Needless to say, Penguin 2.0 was nothing compared to the first iteration.


Some say that Google Penguin 2.0 was less harsh than the first.

But I think that it had more to do with the fact that most SEOs that changed their link building approach after Penguin 1.0. Blog comments were replaced by guest blogging. Profile links were replaced with broken link building. And many black hatters (myself included) went legit.


Pengiun-monium: What Google’s new algorithm changes means for SEO


If Panda was the new “law of the land,” Penguin is law enforcement. Google’s new algorithm update signals the beginning of the end for spammers, but it also spells trouble for honest webmasters. What Penguin does is try to better enforce the Panda filter by filtering over-optimized websites from its search results. That’s right, penalties aren’t just for blackhat sites anymore.


How to Future Proof your Linkbuilding

Google Proof

Google is constantly changing and improving. It’s obviously not the same as what it was when it started a handful of years ago. The recent Penguin update has changed the way we look at linkbuilding. It used to be about quantity and quality. Right now, linkbuilding is shifting away from quantity – giving a much higher emphasis and importance on link quality and link naturality.


How does the Google Penguin Update Affects SEO and Negative SEO?

Google Penguin Update

Over Optimization has been hitting websites like bowling pins – the score just keeps piling up. Google has now named this update the ‘Penguin’. I’m not entirely sure as to why. Sounds cute doesn’t it?