Tag Archives: expertise

Official Google Advice on Core Update Recovery

Cover Photo - Official Google Advice on Core Update Recovery

Recent core updates, both small and large, have made SEOs clamor for a solution or a fix to the negative effects of the update to their websites. Different theories and hypotheses have been rampant in the SEO industry on how to properly “fix” a website that has been hit by the core updates. This led to Google repeatedly stating that there are no fixes to websites that have been hit by the core updates. But recently, they gave advice on how your site can recover from the core update. Let’s find out. 


Everything You Should Know About E-A-T

What you should know about E-A-T

Expertise, Authority, and Trust, or better known as E-A-T is now a famous standard that SEOs try to follow. Two of the biggest algorithm updates from the past year gave more attention to E-A-T, the Medic Update on August 2018 and the Google June Broad Core Update on June 2019.

Many of the websites that were hit were said to have low E-A-T. When asked how can they recover, you’ll probably get the same answer from experts and even from Google’s Search Liaison Danny Sullivan over and over again.


The Best Ways to Accelerate Your Expertise

It’s obvious that this is my favorite topic – how to help newbies get on the right track. The trickiest part, as I’ve noticed, always concern about upgrading and/or improving expertise. Sure, everyone starts from basic. But if your learning rate is pretty steep, you won’t get anywhere great for a long time.

So shape up newbies, I’m gonna fire up pointers on how you can earn your stars the fastest (and surest of course) way possible!CONTINUE READING