Tag Archives: SEO content strategy

5 Easy Ways to Building a Solid SEO Content Strategy

5 Easy Ways to Building a Solid SEO Content Strategy

You are stuck in a maze and you’ve tried every possible turn but there is no way out.

This is what our brains feel like sometimes and if you haven’t tried banging your head against the keyboard out of frustration with your content strategy, you have no business reading this.

Yes, even I have those days when getting the mix of SEO and the client’s technical writing desires in your content strategy seems like an unsolvable puzzle.

So here are 5 things to keep close when planning your content strategy so you don’t ever have to damage your keyboard again. You will rank and you will also provide the best possible content to your client and your readers – win, win and win.


SEO for Blogs: Tips for SEO Content Augmentation

SEO for Blogs - Tips for Content Augmentation_Cover Photo

SEO Content augmentation is one of the tasks that can give blogs the boost that they need. The effort to change your content and promote its authority will gain results either for your rankings, traffic, or clicks. Marketers should know by now that content will help them achieve great heights, especially in their goal towards online visibility.


SEO Tips: Upgrade your Content Strategy with NLP


Natural Language Processing is simply the area that focuses on the engagement between human language and computers. As simple as it may sound, there are many intricacies associated with it, especially if you are planning on implementing it for SEO. Before diving in headfirst on building your SEO content around NLP, it would be wise to craft a strategy that would fulfill its purpose.