Tag Archives: YouTube Ads

Google Ads Announces Update: Advertiser Pages

Advertiser Pages Update

Google has been in the business in the past decade of making things more transparent for their users. The year 2011 brought users the ability to manage ad preferences and block specific advertisers from the SERPs and email. Fast forward to 2020, they expanded their 2018 identification policy for political advertisers into a full-blown advertiser identity verification program. They created this program to help users know more about the advertisers before taking any further steps to engage with their ads.


YouTube to Remove Credits and Annotations, Test Out Back-to-back Ads

YouTube to Remove Credits and Annotations, Test Out Back-to-back Ads

Much like the rest of the internet, YouTube has established numerous steps to optimize the user experience on mobile. When it comes to mobile-friendliness, the YouTube mobile app is truly a handy and reliable app that allows you to watch videos on the go, while offering full functionality that allows you to record and stream live.