Tag Archives: YouTube update

YouTube to Remove Credits and Annotations, Test Out Back-to-back Ads

YouTube to Remove Credits and Annotations, Test Out Back-to-back Ads

Much like the rest of the internet, YouTube has established numerous steps to optimize the user experience on mobile. When it comes to mobile-friendliness, the YouTube mobile app is truly a handy and reliable app that allows you to watch videos on the go, while offering full functionality that allows you to record and stream live.


How Hashtags on YouTube Can Improve Searchability

How Hashtags on YouTube Can Improve Searchability

With Google constantly updating their search algorithms and services on a monthly basis, it is only fitting that their Google affiliate YouTube also launch their own set of updates as well. Being the second biggest search engine in the world, YouTube also has the largest online video database in the world, with billions of hours’ worth of videos to watch.