Category: SEO Advice

Magic of the Long Click: How User Behavior Affects Rankings

Long Click determines search success because it is when a user stays on the page for a long time without going back to the search results for another source of information or to modify their keywords. Achieving a long click means that you have satisfied the user query with sufficient and relevant information that they are looking for.


Everything You Should Know About E-A-T

Expertise, Authority, and Trust, or better known as E-A-T is now a famous standard that SEOs try to follow. Two of the biggest algorithm updates from the past year gave more attention to E-A-T, the Medic Update on August 2018 and the Google June Broad Core Update on June 2019.

Many of the websites that were hit were said to have low E-A-T. When asked how can they recover, you’ll probably get the same answer from experts and even from Google’s Search Liaison Danny Sullivan over and over again.


The Do’s and Don’ts of Internal Linking

Internal linking; one of the most important SEO strategies but is often overlooked and misunderstood. It is also one of the easiest things to do but it is more than meets the eye. 

When I talk about internal linking, people sometimes roll their eyes and think that it’s just as simple as making sure your new post has links to old posts that are related to it but I can guarantee you that internal linking plays a vital role in on-page SEO.


Understanding Links Through Google’s Eyes

Link building has always been an integral part of almost all SEO’s foundational strategy. However, as the years went by, understanding which links are “good” or “high quality” for Google has been skewed by the different ways we’ve come up with to build them. In a recent Google Webmasters hangouts, John Mueller talks about what exactly is a “good” link and how webmasters can get them. Let’s find out!


How to Recover From Google’s Broad Core Algorithm Updates

A few weeks has passed since Google rolled out their latest broad core algorithm update. Articles have circulated that highlighted the ones that experienced massive wins and other sites that experienced the opposite. The prevailing factor that I see whenever Google rolls out broad core algorithm updates are questions such as “how do I fix it” or “what did I do wrong?” or “I didn’t do anything but my site traffic improved, why is that?”. There’s a variety of answers given to them, but they don’t seem to get the whole purpose of a broad core algorithm update. But before we delve into recovering if you were hit by the broad core update, what exactly is a broad core update?


Google Announces Broad Core Algorithm: June 2019 Update

In a rare move by Google, they pre-announced a broad core algorithm update over the weekend via their Google SearchLiaison Twitter account. This is a bold improvement for SEO specialists who are usually kept in the dark about these matters, only to see the effects once it drastically affects them in a negative or positive light.


Favicon Display Update: Everything You Need to Know and How to Properly Set It Up

It’s not a secret that most of the users that search on Google are using their mobile devices which is why Google has been constantly improving their mobile search experience. When compared to how it looked before, mobile search experience has experienced notable changes – some for the better and some, arguably, for the worst. Does this most recent design update make the user’s mobile search experience better or worse? Let’s find out.


Effective SEO Team Management Tips That You Should Try Out

The most important element of good SEO is having well-managed team that works together smoothly and effectively. Having a great and well-managed SEO team will ensure that you have an SEO company that is able to strive for success, and be able to grow even bigger.


The Right Tools to Track your Local SEO and SEM

Tracking your local SEO and SEM is highly important for your SEO and link building strategies. Being able to track these would help determine what strategy works and what does not, which can help you assess and look for other strategies that can be used. While most businesses and companies focus on increasing their internet traffic by using analytics trackers, it does not mean that you are getting the right results that you would want. Traffic can only get you so far, and what you would really need are tangible results that would benefit you.


Three Powerful Strategies to Hack On-Page SEO [Case Study]

As part of the WordLift team and as a blogger, I run several experiments each week to see what kind of strategies can help hack on-page SEO. These experiments provided more in-depth information regarding on-page SEO, along with the discovery of how to properly do it to help my SEO campaign.