Tag Archives: google plus

Google+ Shutting Down: What You Need To Know To Save Your Data

Google+ Shutting Down: What You Need To Know To Save Your Data

A few weeks after Google announced that they would be shutting down Google Inbox, Google has announced that Google+ will be shut down in the next few months. This announcement came on the heels of a recently announced data breach that happened on the platform during March of this year.


Google Authorship

How Google’s Authorship Markup affects SEO

Google Authorship

Rel=”author” is Google’s authorship markup where authors link their page content on their Google profile. Google’s authorship markup is one of the most popular on site optimization factors. It shows up in the search engine results page as an eye-catching picture, it connects all your published works, it leverages trust in you as an author and much more. So how does it affect SEO?


Google+ Local Optimization

Google Plus Local

If Google Places has been your de-facto method of driving online customers to your brick-and-mortar business, big changes are on the way. Google is importing Google Places into Google + Local, and this means big changes for businesses and consumers who use the internet to find local establishments. This post is all about Google Plus Local Optimization.


Google Plus Optimization

Google Plus Optimization

Google Plus is gaining momentum now more than ever – especially with the SEO world. It is continuously becoming a major factor – especially now that Search Plus Your World has rolled out. Google Plus Optimization isn’t so far from being an SEO technique that we can all use.


How Google Search Plus Your World Affects SEO


Google is now undergoing a major change in their search engine as they implement ‘Search Plus your World’ – it is simply integrating Google + into their search engine algorithm in order to serve it in their search engine results page.


Google + Pages

How Google+ Pages Affects SEO

Google + Pages

Google Plus is growing at a high rate.  Since its implementation in June, initially on an invite-only basis, it has collected 50 million users; this is a 16th of Facebook’s users.  On November 7th, Google Plus began allowing businesses to host profiles (i.e. pages), whereas before, it was only individual user profiles.  Google Plus is another means, like Facebook and Twitter, for businesses to get the word out about their brand, products, and services; Google Plus’ new business pages means a lot to the world of search engine optimization.


How Google plans to Control Black Hat Spam of Google Plus One Button

Google plus one spam

The Google Plus One button has been the late craze of both the SEO world and the social network marketers. It works wonders! It shares content and it increases your rankings in the search engines according to the quantity (and perhaps, quality) of the +1 of a webpage. Now that we have that established as a fact, a lot of black hatters would naturally come into play. How would Google control the spamming of the Google +1 button?


Why Google+ Wants You to Get Social

Google Plus

It seems the past few weeks have been abuzz with talk all about that new Google+ thing … what it is, how to use it, and why it will eventually kill Facebook.

Instead of adding to that chatter, I wonder if we might be able to discuss a few other topics.

What will change in terms of the search experience, search engine optimization, and the fight on social spam.


Should you use Google Plus over Facebook?

Google Plus vs Facebook

There are lots of people asking which is better social network – Google Plus or Facebook? There are certain advantages of Facebook as it already has an established user-base, a running business model that caters to the users, great apps and ways to connect, etc. Although there is a certain hype about Google Plus that just draws people in – especially the SEO and internet marketing type of people.

I’ve asked some of the most authoritative experts on the internet which they would prefer to use. Let’s see what they have to say:


How does Google Plus Affect SEO?

Google plus

As we all well know, Google Plus has now been launched albeit in testing phase. Even so, the search giant has now taken up arms against the social network threat which is Facebook. Now that social signals are a powerful means to enhance your SEO campaigns, the question is, how can Google Plus affect SEO?