Tag Archives: facebook

Google+ Shutting Down: What You Need To Know To Save Your Data

Google+ Shutting Down: What You Need To Know To Save Your Data

A few weeks after Google announced that they would be shutting down Google Inbox, Google has announced that Google+ will be shut down in the next few months. This announcement came on the heels of a recently announced data breach that happened on the platform during March of this year.


Facebook Updates Ads: What You Need To Know

Facebook Updates Ads: What You Need To Know

As Facebook continues to grow in the number of users, along with increased functionality, ads have become an integral part of the platform. This has helped numerous brands reach perhaps the largest online audience available and generate successful campaigns and attain more sales. Ads have become an indispensable resource for branding, as it helps generate more traffic to websites through promotion.


What You Need To Know About Facebook’s New Video Updates


What You Need To Know About Facebook’s New Video Updates


Video content on Social Media has been at an all-time high recently, with platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram seeing a rise in the amount of video content from their users. This has led to numerous brands promoting their content through the use of video, which has proven to be effective in generating traffic and user interaction.


Elements of a Viral Social Media Campaign


Social media has become the world’s most popular digital platforms over the past few years. With billions of registered users in all platforms combined, this has helped create an interconnected world in which communication, interaction, and promotion has now become much more efficient and accessible.


Linking The Past: Why Nostalgia Marketing Works


Building brand trust and authority is always a challenging process that requires great marketing and promotion. With so many choices in the market, customers want to ensure that they picked the right brands. When it comes to promoting a brand, there is a diverse selection of strategies that can help establish an effective and powerful campaign.


Game On: The Best SEO Strategies for Gaming Sites


Video games have become one of the most popular forms of media over the past few decades, with videogame consoles becoming a household staple. One of the factors that affected its rapid growth was the emergence of the internet. In fact, gaming searches account for a good amount of search queries on a regular basis. With search engines playing a big part in gaming, utilizing SEO strategies for gaming sites is one of the most effective ways to improve visibility and authority.



Facebook Is Updating Their News Feed Ranking Algorithm

Facebook has been making a lot of changes recently, first, they announced that they were changing the way they ranked videos and now they’re announcing something else. Specifically, Facebook is changing the way they rank content submitted in their News Feed.

Simply put, they’re changing things up by updating and layering new signals to its currently existing ranking algorithm.


Facebook is Changing the Way They Rank Videos

Facebook video rankings cover photo

Facebook is one of the most widely accessed websites on the internet right now. It is a great way of connecting with people regardless of their distance and it’s a great way of putting out content that you want to be shared. Everyone is using Facebook with a majority of the people accessing the social media giant on their mobile phones.

It is fair to say Facebook is one of the best ways to get noticed on the internet, for good or for worse.